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NASA today released this image of Gliese 832c, the closest potentially habitable exoplanet.  From NASA: This planet is only 16 light years away — could it harbor life? Recently discovered […]
Think the Olympic Games and the World Cup are just about sports? Olympian Kelly Clark can attest to the goodwill that these global tournaments promote. “It’s been amazing as an […]
CAMBRIDGE – Eurozone leaders continue to debate how best to reinvigorate economic growth, with French and Italian leaders now arguing that the eurozone’s rigid “fiscal compact” should be loosened. Meanwhile, […]
How does government regulate for the future? Big Think sat down with Former U.S. Representative Barney Frank at Exponential Finance, presented by Singularity University & CNBC to discuss this idea. […]
What’s powering the jets of material blasting into this galaxy’s disk? NASA explains: The spiral arms of bright, active galaxy M106 sprawl through this remarkable multiwavelength portrait, composed of image […]
“To live in the presence of great truths and eternal laws, to be led by permanent ideals – that is what keeps a man patient when the world ignores him, and calm and unspoiled when the world praises him.” – Honore de Balzac
Every new cultural institution hopes for “The Bilbao Effect”—the economic boom the faltering, former industrial city of Bilbao, Spain, enjoyed after the 1997 rise of architect Frank Gehry’s game-changing design […]