Here’s a fun thought experiment: What would happen if Earth stopped spinning around the sun? Aatish Bhatia from Wired writes on the repercussions as we finish another revolution.
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Before you trash those old electronics, you may want to give some thought to how this old device could better your own or someone else’s life. Consider some alternative ways to recycle and reuse old tech.
A once and a lifetime event has come into our field of view. New Year’s celebrators should be able to easily spot Comet Lovejoy skirting past the constellation Orion in the night sky till mid January.
Cindy Wahler argues that a humble attitude doesn’t work in an office. While you may have projects to show you do great work, senior managers still may not who you are unless you promote yourself.
How many of us follow-through with our New Year’s resolutions past the first week, month, year? Researchers show that few of us are successful.
Entering the market for personal health trackers is Cue – an affordable, user friendly mini-lab that allows you to test five important molecules in your body indicating fertility, influenza, testosterone, […]
Few inhabitants of the world’s biggest megacity have any idea of its existence, or of its name.
Many say these are the most dangerous violent times humans have ever faced. Pundits dismiss those fears with numbers that show how these are the Best of Times, Who’s right? It doesn’t really matter. What does is, why are people so worried.
What do different countries stay awake for? Jawbone has released some year-end data it has gathered from its UP fitness trackers to reveal what events kept us from snoozing throughout 2014.
“Human beings are good at many things, but thinking about our species as a whole is not one of our strong points.”
Loneliness isn’t just for the elderly, more adults 18 to 24 report these feelings of isolation, which make people depressed, stand-offish, and untrustworthy. So, how can you cure the lonely?
Wife beaters, rapists, and child abusers seem to be without morals. But researchers argue to the contrary, saying that violent acts are driven by the belief that their actions are necessary.
The deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Antonio Martin have sparked a national debate over police responsibility and safety, and people believe it can be fixed with more surveillance.
What it means if there’s no life anywhere else in the Universe, and what we know so far. “Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves […]
It’s a common misconception that innovation can spur economic prosperity on its own. Rather, it’s the unfettered application of new technologies that boosts cultural productivity and creates wealth.
Engineers at the University of Montana are working to mitigate the impact of roads on wildlife by building overpasses and underpasses that give animals the right of way.
To avoid increased scrutiny at airports, the CIA recommends its covert operatives have simple and plausible responses to the questions most frequently asked at airport screenings.
Over society is overworked and therefore overstressed, says PsychCentral’s Michael Hedrick. If you’ve gotten accustomed to overwhelming yourself, you may need to relearn how to tap the brakes.
More and more non-medical professionals are receiving training for how to use naloxone, a drug that reverses the effects of an overdose of heroin and other opioids
Vice Sports contributor Neil DeMause suggests that cities should exercise their eminent domain powers when local sports teams threaten to move after demanding expensive subsidies.
It may sound uncomfortable, but several self-studies show a little cold will help raise your metabolism and aid in weight loss.
During a recent bout with depression, comedian Ruby Wax took time off from her career to pursue a Master’s degree in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy from Oxford University.
Yoga may be a good activity to take up if weight-loss is your New Year’s resolution. Recent studies indicate it’s just as good as brisk walking or cycling.
All the stars in the night sky are bound in the Milky Way galaxy, just one of billions in the Universe. Here’s the story of where they come from. “The […]
Fingerprints are unique, but they aren’t a secure method of signing into your accounts, according to a recent report. Jan Krissler was able to replicate a politician’s from a few photographs.
Portugal has transformed a fleet of buses and taxis into a portable WiFi net, equipping riders with a free online network for their portable devices.
Religions and philosophies that propose invulnerability—such as Buddhism or Stoicism—as a solution to misfortune should not be taken wholesale.
Personality traits like conscientiousness and openness are better indicators of long-term academic success than traditional, standardized ways of measuring intelligence.
As the 2014 Ebola outbreak begins to wane in West Africa, experts say the region needs to focus on “immunization, infrastructure and investment” in order to stave off the next public health crisis.
Extroverts may need to tone-down their outgoing attitudes around the office. While they may see their actions as friendly, their introverted co-workers may view their dispositions as annoying and counterproductive.