After a long day or week at the office it may feel appropriate to kick back with a beer. But a recent study has found workers who clock-in more and 48 hours in a week run the risk of developing a unhealthy alcohol habit.
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In today’s featured discussion on pheromones, biologist Edward O. Wilson explains that there are massive amounts of natural stimuli that humans are not physically privy to.
“I am of the firm belief that everybody could write books and I never understand why they don’t. After all, everyone speaks. Once the grammar has been learnt it is simply talking on paper and in time learning what not to say.”
It may be prudent to save up just in case you run into a tough 6 months, but it’s also smart to start investing for the long term as soon as possible.
Different neighborhoods suit different personalities and when these metrics align, people are measurably happier.
Recent studies which look at the effects of kindness and generosity over time suggest that the cynical phrase “nice guys finish last” is false outside of isolated events.
Sleep plays a major role in our health. Adults who miss sleep tend to drag through the day, but for kids it plays a major role in their development and may have links to performance in math and language.
Encounters in the fourth dimension. We all have an intuitive sense of what a dimension is. There are only three perpendicular directions in which we might move, which we might […]
Taking notes by hand helps students learn more and it’s up to teachers to impose anti-screen policies in the classroom as a pedagogical tool.
Up until the 1980s women made up a large part of the computing industry with 37 percent of women graduating with degrees in Computer Science. So, what happened to all the women? Advertising.
Unless you’re an astronomer, you’ve probably never heard of an analemma. And even if you are one, this might be your first tutulemma.
Fitness wearables do have the ability to facilitate change. But not if 42 percent of people stop using them after the first six months.
Smartphones hold so much of ourselves that if we didn’t have them, part of our minds would become inaccessible. So, what happens when you take someone’s smartphone away?
Burnout recovery is a four-phase process that starts with identifying that some goals are simply not attainable.
“World peace, like community peace, does not require that each man love his neighbor—it requires only that they live together in mutual tolerance, submitting their disputes to a just and peaceful settlement.”
By analyzing the books, films, and organizations you’ve Liked on Facebook, computers can create a more accurate picture of your identity than your friends, family, or even your spouse can.
Search engines are reclaiming web content for the people as they tinker with their algorithms. The goal is to promote sites that write engaging content while burying sites that strive only to appeal to search engines.
Competitive marketplaces are the key to lower healthcare costs in the United States, says Ezekiel J. Emanuel, the chair of the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania
One of the world’s foremost psychiatrists specializing in PTSD recently visited Big Think to discuss the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic disorders.
Stanley Milgram found in an experiment how easily one’s own ethics could become compromised in the face of authoritarianism. But Matthew Hollander argues that there’s far more nuance to the participants in his study.
What does football really teach us? In “Why Football Matters: My Education in the Game,” author Mark Edmundson recounts his own high school football experience from the perspective of age and asks that very same question in a nuanced, clear-eyed way that might make you think twice about why we love football so much and what that love may be doing to us and our children.
In this digital economy companies want you to own nothing—only own a “license” for a product–which means they could take it back at any time they choose and they have.
Asking thirty-six specific questions plus four minutes of sustained eye contact is a recipe for falling in love, or at least creating intimacy among complete strangers.
A recent study surveying the online photo posting habits of 800 men (ages 18 to 40) found those who posted more images of themselves measured higher for traits relating to narcissism and/or psychopathy.
From our spiral shape to the heavy elements expelled in supernovae, our galaxy’s gravity reveals far more than we see. “I think if I had to choose, I would rather […]
Reverse the Odds, a mobile game developed by Cancer Research UK and Channel 4, invites users to find patterns in real tumor tissue in order to help scientists learn more about cancer.
Just because you intend to disrupt an industry doesn’t mean you have to alienate said industry’s leaders. In fact, making enemies will only hurt your company’s prospects.
Blaming all members of any group for the extreme actions of a few ignores one of the underlying reasons for those actions, which is not the ideology or belifs of the group, but just the sense of empowerment that comes from belonging to something more powerful than those individuals feel.
Our Milky Way is only the second-largest galaxy in our local group. Take an interactive dive into the biggest! “He who would search for pearls must dive below.” –John Dryden […]
Jealousy, we’ve all experienced it at one time or another in our relationships. Whether the threat is real or imagined, jealousy has the power to tear relationships apart. But for men and women, it’s usually over different things.