Here’s your existential food-for-thought for the day. What exactly would happen to you if you got sucked into a black hole? What would that demise be like? Everyone’s favorite astrophysicist […]
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What is at the heart of an active galaxy? Researchers believe that massive black holes millions of times more massive than our sun comprise galactic cores, according to NASA. This […]
The best argument against German Unification came from French writer François Mauriac: “J’aime tellement l’Allemagne que je préfère qu’il y en ait deux”. It takes an American to propel that […]
Am I the only one fascinated by the issue of currency conversion in literature? When a posh fictional nobleman is rumored to have an income of such-and-such, or when a […]
It’s the age old question for animal lovers: what are my pets thinking? Researcher Virginia Morell explores animal cognitive science in her new book Animal Wisdom. From Morrell’s interview with […]
Researcher Rebecca Helm thought she was imagining things when a flash of indigo appeared in a sample of water she collected off the coast of South Africa, according to Grist. […]
“I personally most fear the technology that allows invasion of our thoughts, our feelings, our aspirations, our intellectual achievements,” actor James Woods told Futurescape in this interview. “The notion of […]
An entire home can potentially be built in a day using a 3D printer. A revolutionary technology initially developed to build emergency housing, Contour Crafting has NASA excited. And it […]
In 1612, Galileo was shocked as to why Saturn’s “appendages” had disappeared. It wasn’t until later that century that the mystery was solved: Saturn has rings, and when Earth crosses […]
So I rarely share my opinions on contemporary international relations. Let me throw caution to wind and say something about the significance about what’s going on in Ukraine. The real […]
As the population of cities continues to grow, real estate runs out fast. But one innovative solution may be the wave of the future: building down! “It is not the beauty […]
Here’s an exciting first which hopefully indicates a promising trend: This year women outnumber men in UC Berkeley’s introductory computer science course. The field is vastly dominated by men, and […]
This is a classic science video that one can never watch too many times: Neil Degrasse Tyson on what is the most astounding fact. His answer will put your life […]
This is not a video to inspire your next party trick, but a lesson in physics. See why the power is in the toes for swordsmith Max McCarter of Zombie […]
M44 is a cluster of young stars some 600 light-years away from Earth. Also known as the Praesepe or Beehive Cluster, its stars are around 600 million years old compared […]
The high-tech in your car may be spying on you as you drive. The navigation and infotainment systems in dashboards and in black boxes located under hoods can collect our […]
Joan Rivers called a baby ugly; Frankie Boyle once commented on Twitter that an Olympic swimmer looked like an aquatic mammal, due to the size of her nose. Most of […]
Ever wonder why they stand on one leg? Surprisingly, physics holds the answer! “Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying across in front of a beautiful sunset? […]
“A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.” – Wayne Gretzky. Good game, Canada.
Meet Luxo, a little robot that creates “sculptors” of bright colored lights by flinging around its arm. It is the Jackson Pollock of robots, but instead of using the gloss […]’s CEO Patrick Byrne wants to increase the popularity of Bitcoin, according to a profile by Forbes. The large discount retail site has enacted features that reward customers paying with […]
THE European missions to Asia consisted of very few highly specialized individuals trained in theology and the sciences. Their destination countries – India, Japan, China, and Indochina – were the […]
Does space stretch or does new space get created, and what does that mean for the conservation of energy? “If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch […]
“Be suspicious of stories,” warns economist Tyler Cowen. Stories lower “your IQ by 10 points or more,” by seducing you into simplistic “good vs. evil” thinking.” Life is too messy […]
A team of Canadian scientists have confirmed what Internet users already know: trolls are sadists and suffer from other personality disorders. In the wild worldwide web, where anyone can be […]
Nikola Tesla was a rare genius who never received the recognition he deserved while alive. (He was overshadowed by his former boss and rival Thomas Edison). Tesla gave us neon […]
NASA posted a photo today of the Lighthouse nebula. The image shows the aftermath of a supernova, including a runaway pulsar and a spiraling jet that’s 37 light-years long, which […]
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” -George Orwell
Michael Jackson proudly wore the crown as the “King of Pop” until his death in 2009. In the visual arts, at least for Americans, Andy Warhol’s ruled as the “King […]
We are made of exploding stars: from the iron in our blood to the calcium in our bones. It all comes from supernova explosions, and now researchers can look inside […]