We surprise the world’s brightest minds with ideas they’re totally unprepared to discuss. This week on Big Think’s podcast, we’re joined by the legendary musician and spoken-word artist Henry Rollins.
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Forget asteroids, plagues, or zombies: The true apocalypse will (allegedly) be the curiosity of tattooed millennials.
On this week’s episode of Brand Deathmatch: Vanity Fair vs. Tinder.
Professional bodybuilders say the amount of muscle Jake Gyllenhaal gained in six months is impossible without the use of performance enhancing drugs.
As of 2014, outstanding student loan in the U.S. is $1.16 trillion. SponsorChange is helping graduates repay their loans by volunteering.
Recent research studies the link between creativity and emotional states, offering answers to the age-old question, “How can I be more creative?”
Researchers find out the origins of an ancient feud.
Economists have been experimenting with randomized controlled trials to find out.
Running to music that is in sync with your pace can make you run faster, for longer, and now, there’s an app for that.
President Barack Obama, charismatic as he is, has stumbled in the past when taking to new media to engage American citizens. He’s much better at writing letters than answering questions on Reddit.
The glorious meteor shower peaking this week is the most consistent, year after year. Here’s why. “Men of genius are often dull and inert in society; as the blazing meteor, […]
Why don’t we just listen to our body? Because our minds, and our culture, are often louder.
It’s a well-oiled machine with a mission to better search, maps, and Android.
Getting married by a priest or at a courthouse can feel underwhelming. Experimental philosopher Jonathon Keats wants to revolutionize the wedding by ditching the boring old officiants and replacing them with quantum physics.
It’s not breaking news that the universe is slowly dying. It is significant that scientists have been able to finally measure the degree to which it’s dying. Let’s just say you should push up any appointments you might have 100 billion years from now.
Another young black man was shot in Ferguson, as the public’s faith in law enforcement waivers.
This isn’t the Matrix. Should you wish to face the ugly reality, there’s no red pill you can swallow.
Structural damage could have started as early as 10 or 12 years old if they were enrolled in tackle football that young.
The famous Keep Calm and Carry On poster had a First World War antecedent.
“30 years after, Hiroshima and Nagasaki are bustling cities. 30 years after Chernobyl, abandoned city. What’s the difference?”
Because, seriously, who wants to stand up and walk on a big treadmill desk all day?
The barrier to understanding math may be more psychological than we thought.
Place matters, and it may matter more in older age than at any other stage of life. Where we live shapes the contours of our daily experience, determining our access […]
Are they working out personal problems? Or perhaps mulling over the creation of the universe? Researchers say no to both.
Is “nudge theory” Big Brother running our lives, or just the medicine we need?
Did you know that in 2014 the top 25 hedge fund managers in the U.S. were paid a collective $11.6 billion?
In August 2012, Curiosity became the heaviest, most advanced rover to ever land on Mars. Here’s what the red planet looks like. “Studying whether there’s life on Mars or studying […]
An incredible art project creates a new, tiny world every day. “I’d rather create a miniature painting than a Taj Mahal of a book.”–Mohsin Hamid As small as it is […]
Department of Corrections is a misnomer. At the present, DOCs across the country shun from the responsibility to make convicts better people.