[Editor’s Note: Please welcome Sarah Jane Braasch-Joy back to Daylight Atheism! Regular readers from before my move to Big Think will remember her as a dedicated defender of feminism and […]
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Recent research confirms there are concrete steps you can take to increase your intelligence. And thanks to the brain’s neuroplasticity, scientists now believe it is never to late to start.
The forgetfulness and clouded reasoning normally associated with ancient grandparents may kick in earlier than thought, according to a new study which says mental decline begins at age 45.
To call Rick Santorum a spectacularly awful presidential candidate would actually be too kind. As the Don Quixote of the Republican Party, Candidate Thou Shalt Not insists on tilting at […]
It was a dark and stormy night. By starting A Wrinkle in Time with the most famous “bad” opening in literary history—the same Edward Bulwer-Lytton line later adopted by Snoopy—Madeleine […]
As a former pro-life governor of liberal Massachusetts, whose signature achievement was the health care plan that served as a model for Obamacare, Mitt Romney has to work hard to […]
As healthcare providers increasingly store your medical records electronically, new opportunities are presented for patients to take responsibility for their health. Here’s how.
Screening for prostate cancer does more harm than good confirms a followup study to the eye-opening 2009 report that said longevity benefits associated with screening come at a high risk.
Contrary to scientists’ expectations, the genes of individuals who live to be over 110 years-old are pretty normal. At the genetic level, supercentarians are just like everyone else.
More and more research suggests there is more than a fleeting boost to be gained from placebos. A change in mind-set about your health can create powerful physical changes.
By way of giving advice and/or comparing notes with other bloggers who use them, I thought last night I’d write some thoughts on some of the big social-networking sites: which […]
A company that makes exoskeletons that enable people with spinal cord injuries to walk has begun selling their product to medical institutions in the US to be used in physical therapy.
This column (flagged by one of our eagle-eyed editors) by Kenneth Rogoff on “rethinking the growth imperative” is incredibly puzzling. Rogoff, a Harvard economics professor and former IMF chief economist, […]
Is the Slow Internet movement based around an ultimately flawed idea – that it’s actually possible to shut off the massive meme-spraying firehose of the Interwebs?
In everyone’s vision of a start up company, there is a group of energetic hardcore employees who work 24/7 and sleep at the office. But that’s only one way of doing it, says entrepreneur Sara Sutton Fell.
Leaders beware. Nothing can claim more tainted professional reputations, destroyed friendships, and polluted corporate cultures than gossip, says business consultant Mike Myatt.
Investors and policy makers should tap into the economic potential of cities in emerging markets.
Facebook can be used as an important business tool, especially when it comes to getting customer feedback. Some companies specialize in turning friends and followers into focus groups.
It’s now year five of the economic downturn and you are still thinking of starting a business. Is now the right time? What you may need more than anything to succeed is courage and commitment.
So the Iowa outcome, with some perversity, made it more likely than ever that Romney would be the Republican nominee. That’s true although most Republicans have made it clear they […]
By studying the world’s most innovative leaders and businesses, a new book shares what behaviors are common across the spectrum of our time’s most creative and disruptive thinkers.
I didn’t make any New Year’s resolutions, because why would I? Why make resolutions? Why do it at the beginning of a year? As ever, the wisdom of master Yoda […]
Earlier this week, Penn Jillette posted a link to this essay by Mallorie Nasrallah on his Twitter account, concerning her experience as a woman in the skeptical community. To sum […]
By pulling her pants down and defacing Clyfford Still’s painting 1957-J No. 2 (PH-401) (shown above, from 1957) last week at The Clyfford Still Museum, Carmen Lucette Tisch stumbled drunkenly […]
It was four years ago today that Big Think was launched by co-founders Victoria Montgomery Brown and Peter Hopkins to immediate fanfare. That day The New York Times hailed Big Think as “a Web […]
A man and woman have been married for over a decade. The wife seems happy, and she feels happy, or happy enough, in her marriage. The husband seems happy. He […]
Unemployment and economic output are at near-record highs. So where did all the jobs go? Fast-advancing, IT-driven automation might be playing the biggest role in our current jobs crisis.
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, author of The Predictioneer’s Game, shares his foolproof method for getting your next car for the lowest price possible.
A Pennsylvania start up has created a fleet of small robots that farm algae to make biodiesel. While still in an early stage, the robots could make fuel that costs 30 to 60 cents per gallon.
Engineers at MIT have discovered a new way of gathering depth information that could be used to create 3D cameras requiring only the modest processing power of a smartphone.