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Waq al-waq has a very narrow, if self-delineated, portfolio: Yemen. But sometimes Yemen has some strange links, as some of the Google searches that bring people to Waq al-waq indicate. […]
Sometimes the news just seems a little off. A few days ago I was watching al-Arabiyya and caught the tail end of brief about a former Guantanamo detainee, Jabir Jabran […]
We seem to have fallen into a pattern here: Greg provides the judicious review of breaking events, and I am the bearded wierdo on the corner yelling “Doom! Doom!”. If […]
As I have skimmed through the Wikileaks documents coming out of San’a and Riyadh I have been asking myself a number of different questions here are three (I promise some […]
Saba and 26September are reporting that four soldiers have been killed in an ambush in Abyan. Tracking this as to culpability, but it seems that violence has been ratcheting up, […]
I thought it might be appropriate to kick-off this blog with a story focusing on a problem that will be with us for the forseeable future, far beyond the closing […]
Just days after al-Zawahiri’s audiotape “From Kabul to Somalia” was released the fighting in the latter has picked up. The NY Times has coverage here, and Reuters has more coverage […]
I don’t have much time this morning as I’m late for a meeting, but a press release from the Yemen Embassy as well as numerous stories (all coming from this […]
Al-Qaeda in Yemen Date: Tuesday, July 7, 2009, 12:15 to 1:45 p.m. Location:Carnegie Endowment for International PeacePanel: Gregory D. Johnsen, Shari Villarosa, Christopher Boucek U.S. and Yemeni counterterrorism efforts dealt […]
This afternoon’s installment on Sada al-Malahim will be a bit shorter than earlier versions, as there is much in the article that I will be publishing later in a different […]
Comments like this drive me crazy: “So it is a Saudi-Iranian proxy war,” he said. (The he being: Simon Henderson, director of Gulf and energy policy at the Washington Institute […]
Sorry for the delay in postings, but I have been busy with radio interviews this morning – if I can find a link I’ll post it later.But the real news, […]
Waq al-waq should have much more this afternoon on the executions of the 9 hostages (the Yemeni Embassy in the US is only confirming three dead) in the North. At […]
CNN and other news outlets are reporting on the possibilities of Yemenis being turned over to Saudi Arabia for rehabilitation before they are returned to Yemen. I have been hearing […]
Munir al-Mawiri sums up this quite nicely in his article for Mareb Press today in which Waq al-waq shares top billing with Sada al-Malahim. He is referring to the fact […]
Intrepid Yemeni journalist, Arafat Madabish, scored an impressive coup for al-Sharq al-Awsat (he also runs the al-Tagheer website) by getting an interview with ‘Abd al-Malik al-Huthi. The interview is fairly […]
Following a long day of meetings and talks, I found the new AQAP video on the forums as I was awaiting my train at Union Station (despite the decidedly unfriendly […]
File this in the better late than never category: the US government is finally publicly acknowledging the Huthi conflict.The Huthis will focus on paragraph one:“The United States is increasingly concerned […]
Waq al-waq topped 5,000 visitors yesterday, which is a new high for us, welcome to all you newcomers.For those that don’t know, I run a periodic (that is, whenever the […]