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According to some headlines this morning, anyway. The US and Yemen are reviewing possible attacks in what is described as retaliation for the attempted Christmas bombing. While this is probably […]
I like to spend Sunday afternoons on the couch with a football game (US or European) or a novel maybe something by Rushdie or McEwan, but sometimes the outside world […]
Neither Gregory nor I are economists. My idea of economic analysis is “do I have enough money for cigarettes? (answer: usually no) But this morning I am going to channel […]
The murky picture surrounding Yemen’s counterterrorism raids yesterday is now beginning to clear up a bit. It seems as though I was not the only one who was a bit […]
You can hear both Greg and I on this segment of today’s The World, on PRI. We are talking about Yemen, in case you were wondering.
Last week, before all the craziness, I asked whatever happened to Ali Muhammad al-Hisam, the kidnapped deputy director of political security, whom AQAP had threatened to execute in 48 hours […]
If you are anything like me then you can’t wait to read each new issue of the New York Review of Books. The latest issue, which arrived in my mailbox […]
For those too cheap or otherwise unable to buy the latest issue of the American Interest but still want to read the article you can access it here. The site […]
Foreign Policy, in collaboration with the Fund for Peace, has published their annual “Failed States Index“, a highly scientific ranking of failed states. In what can only be interpreted as […]
The main consultant who worked on the ICG report on Sa’dah sent me this thoughtful response to my post earlier today:Regarding the fact that the report considers the Saada conflict […]
Dina Temple-Raston, a reporter a NPR who I greatly respect, has this new piece up entitled: “For al–Qaeda in Yemen, Targeting the US is Personal.”On the surface a story and […]
In an effort to continue to expand Waq al-waq, we have created another sticky on the side of videos of AQ in Yemen – for those that can’t get enough.
Brian noted yesterday that we have been neglecting the south and southern issues here at Waq al-waq and he is right, but that is not the only thing we have […]
I’ve been using “al-Houthi”, but Greg called and yelled at me for like 45 minutes and said to drop the “o”. He explained there aren’t any “o’s” in Arabic, and […]
In what one can only imagine was an awkward and stiltedly polite conversation, “Information Minister Hassan al-Lowzi has met with a delegation of Human Rights Watch headed by Joe Stork, […]
News Yemen reports on recent clashes, which led to the deaths of six soldiers, although an al-Huthi spokesman is denying the report. The spokesman is also warning the government against […]