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All that it takes to cope with the death of a loved one is the philosophical habit of turning easily understood ideas into the more difficult practice of how you perceive the world day by day.
In metallurgy, an alloy is a mixture of two different metals that has different properties than either of those metals taken separately. 
Scientists at MIT are hoping to map the 86 billion connected neurons in your brain, and have developed a browser game for you to help them accomplish this. 
Elisabeth Badinter’s important and arousing polemic, The Conflict: How Overzealous Motherhood Undermines the Status of Women, is now out in paperback in the U.S.  Prospective mothers (as well as those […]
When the Vatican recently cleared both Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II for sainthood—a hyper-holy two-fer—critics all along the political spectrum grumbled over the honoring of one man […]