Announced by the city’s mayor a week after a four-year-old boy was mauled to death, the measure proposes euthanizing all strays…even the healthy ones.
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It’s much safer to be able to be a child and to be a mom.
One of the most interesting ways to get into the minds of scientists is to look at their tattoos.
Trade and cultural relations between the two ancient nations are increasing as one seeks to emerge from years of economic crisis while the other continues to stretch its new economic muscle.
The solution is from time to time to hire people you don’t think would work out.
Culture wants masculinity to be absolutely separate from femininity and heterosexuality to be absolutely separate from homosexuality.
I was just fascinated watching these guys doing coding during the day and scraping peyote off cactuses at night and going to raves until morning.
At least one in ten stars are orbited by an Earth-sized planet, according to data taken by NASA’s Kepler spacecraft.
Guest post by Jill Janes. I believe that searching for one’s identity is human nature. Though many recall periods of soul searching and identity crisis in adolescence, I think that […]
Voters participating in Australian elections this weekend filled a number of seats with candidates from several single-issue organizations, including the Sports Party and the Motoring Enthusiast Party.
As Penn Jillettesaid right here on, “Reading the Bible (or the Koran, or the Torah) will make you an atheist.” Of course, just reading the Bible itself—all 66 canonical […]
Scientists learned that the leopards share their habitat with a large number of monasteries, which use their influence to limit poaching.
Having it all is statistically impossible because every single choice you make narrows your choices (the choices you might make in the future), rendering having it all impossible.
The kinds of multitasking abilities required by video games may help stem the tide of cognitive decline which naturally accompanies the aging process.
Making music improves children’s ability to relate to each other and to use their intellect in problem-solving situations, according to a new study out of the University of West London.
A 2012 study found that a desire for fame solely for the sake of being famous was the most popular future goal among a group of 10-12 year olds.
Sleep researchers better understand the components of a nap, what can make nappers groggy, and how you can take the best possible nap.
Researchers at a Chinese university have printed live human liver cells with high rate of success, ensuring that 90 percent of the cells leave the printer alive.
A presently untapped resource of medical innovation is coming into clearer view thanks to new DNA analyses that look closely at microbial presence in the human gut.
Mark Bauerlein, author of The Dumbest Generation, responded quite positively to the final point of my appreciative comments on his book. I said liberal education is always countercultural. Mark wisely […]
With the cost of sequencing a person’s entire genome falling, some experts in the field of genetics argue that all children should have their genomes sequenced at birth.
Originally posted at Guest post by Ericka Hollis As several students entered and left my office this week, I was reminded why I fell in love with the education […]
An Australian rocket scientist has engineered a new nano-device that injects vaccines into the human body at a level just beneath the skin, using a flat patch instead of a needle.
Cooperation and generosity are better modes of behavior than obstinance and self-interest when it comes to thriving within a society.
Obama says he wants Congress to approve the strikes, but he is rather cold and technocratic when making the case.
SpaceX founder Elon Musk reveals a rocket design by using an interactive ‘Iron Man’-like computer interface that responds to his gestures.
It seems like every online news outlet wants infographics, and I really think it’s like data porn.
Lots of like bad creative writing programs will probably tell you that there is, but I disagree with that.
The path forward has to between just say no and just say yes.
A business throws out pollution but doesn’t have to account for it or pay for it.