I learned about last week’s fire in Seaside Park through a conspiracy theory. It read simply: ‘And I’m sure this was an accident.’ Given Jersey’s long history of questionable accidents—just […]
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Why does the original pronunciation (OP) of Shakespeare’s words matter? For one thing, two-thirds of Shakespeare’s sonnets have rhymes that don’t work in modern English.
They may look like ordinary male insects, but they contain genes that kill some or all of their offspring. One test involving GM mosquitoes showed an 80-96 percent decrease in the mosquito population within six months.
Maybe digital technology is a neutral medium, conveying all our thoughts and feelings equally well. Or maybe, as tech hype tells us, our apps and gadgets skew positive, liberating us […]
Never mind Comet ISON: If all goes well, in January the European Space Agency’s Rosetta probe will “wake up” in preparation for a rendezvous with Comet 67-P, currently hanging out in the vicinity of Jupiter.
Why is that when we are in love we are nonetheless in mourning?
The Harvest Moon is the full moon that occurs closest to fall’s equinox. This full moon will peak tomorrow morning at 7:13am EDT.
Nitrous oxide makes up 38 percent of agriculture-based greenhouse gas emissions. Several new studies recommend wider development and production of a tropical “super grass” that binds nitrogen more effectively than other variations.
Now that the craft is officially in interstellar space, it should continue to send data back to Earth for another 12 years or so, barring any unforeseen complications. Understandably, scientists are excited.
Later this year, a project will arrive at the International Space Station containing all the materials needed to grow a special breed of lettuce for eventual on-board consumption.
A 1,476-foot tower approved to be built in Seoul, South Korea is being promoted as the world’s first “invisible tower.”
By working together, economists, ecologists, local residents and others can help begin to set the values for the pieces that make up an ecosystem.
If you launch with today’s technology by the time you come to market you’re going to be out of business.
I think the difficult ending might be more realistic, but that doesn’t mean we can’t hope as well.
Early versions of Defense Distributed’s Liberator will be on display during the Victoria and Albert Museum’s Design Festival as proof of the institution’s “responding quickly to world events when they touch our areas of expertise.”
According to the UN’s report, “Bashar al-Assad was likely responsible.”
The British physicist Steven Hawking is living proof that someone can overcome enormous obstacles and still flourish as a human being.
Yuval Levin, in his neglected classic Imagining the Future, claims that there are two characteristic ways of viewing our technological and biotechnological future. One is in terms of innovations, the […]
Scientists at a number of different research installations are using sound to help them learn more about the world’s oceans. They’re also sharing what they find via live online streams.
People were talking about a third world war, which thank God didn’t happen.
No hurricanes. No cyclones. No tropical storms in the Atlantic, Pacific, or Indian Ocean. That was September 8, 2013.
The majority of crack addicts and methamphetamine addicts are rational decision-makers.
Once they are approved for commercial airspace, drones and the technology they carry stand to benefit farmers in a big way. Experts call it “precision agriculture.”
Clean Lahore was created in response to a 2011 epidemic that sickened 20,000. Along with a dedicated public health campaign, the app helps officials monitor all efforts to stop the disease’s spread.
Archbishop Stepinac High School in White Plains, NY is one of the first in the nation to replace all 40 of its print textbooks with digital versions, accessible via a tablet or laptop.
Colorectal cancer, which is on the rise in all developed countries and many developing ones, may turn out to be caused by a bacterium.
As I explained a couple of years ago, I lost interest in talking up Constitution Day when the government said we at colleges that get federal money are required to […]
A new image editing method will have graphic designers cheering and weeping in equal measure. The new technique lets you take a two-dimensional image, and with as little as three […]
Growing up, I fell in love with Science Fiction watching reruns of Star Trek, the version now known to fans as “The Original Series.” The storylines and (then state of […]
Last week, game developer Rovio launched Angry Birds Playground, an educational curriculum based on the Finnish national model and targeted towards kindergartners.