Is any artist linked inseparably with an article of clothing as René Magritte and the bowler hat? Whether raining down from the sky or with faces obscured by apples, Magritte’s […]
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A small but growing group of atheists is working with an NGO that is introducing multidenominational education in a country where over 90 percent of schools are Catholic.
For the first time, scientists were able to get “inside” Einstein’s brain, using a new technique that allowed them to detail Einstein’s corpus callosum, “the brain’s largest bundle of fibers that connects the two cerebral hemispheres and facilitates interhemispheric communication.”
I think it would be really good if nonscientists learned enough so they could come out and make these arguments for the scientists.
Some rituals might be more effective than others in creating the right mindset for creativity, but there is “no one way to get things done.
When people use plastic to pay for food, they make more impulse-based purchases, like ice cream, donuts and chips, compared to those who pay with cash, as I wrote here […]
The northern Spanish city of 180,000 has used an $11 million European Union grant to install technology that has transformed it into a “smart city” model for other municipalities.
A journalistic investigation reveals that Russia’s FSB security service plans to monitor all online and telephonic communication for all athletes and spectators during the 2014 Winter Olympics. One expert says it will be like “Prism on steroids.”
In 1837, the Royal Danish Society sponsored an essay contest, asking participants to tackle the following question: Are the source and foundation of morals to be looked for in an […]
A secondary school in Hangzhou is one of several throughout China that have implemented rules designed to keep teens’ focus on the books and off each other. They have been met with outrage from social media users.
How can the ethics of compromise and confrontation, as practiced in Washington, be improved?
If you’re a cartography nerd, you’re probably also a bit of an election geek. Because nothing beats election night on TV. Exit polls, voting patterns and the results of previous […]
Hopefully you don’t feel like time is slipping away. It is how you use your finite time that counts!
Scientists can be harsh film critics, as evidenced by Neil deGrasse Tyson’s recent evisceration of the film Gravity on Twitter.
So here’s some savvy conservative commentary on Saturday Night Live’s hilarious fake promo for the new season of the HBO hit Girls. Introducing a needed note of realism into the show is the new […]
The nicest response to a critic who gives a product (particularly films, games, comics, etc.) a low score is fans’ insistence that the critic is wrong. Of course, many fans […]
Inspired by the success of McDonald’s and KFC — which have outlets throughout southern and eastern Africa — other American chains are exploring the sub-Saharan market.
There is a new treatment for C. diff infection that’s safe, effective, and has no known down side except that it’s disgusting to think about.
In their study, Monash University researchers put a number on it: During a 16-minute trip, the average parent takes their eyes off the road for nearly three and a half minutes.
A recently published study confirms that the way in which you frame a refusal can help determine how successful you’ll be with your personal goals.
So long as you’re not being pressured to do it, staying at your desk can result in less fatigue than previously expected, says a new study.
If you’re trying to win a skeptic over to your side, direct and sustained eye contact can work against you, according to new research.
Researchers found that looking at lots of food photos, such as those posted on Instagram or Pinterest, lessened the viewer’s desire for certain foods over time.
Why are all the radicals on the right today? My argument is that we have two problems in Washington: One is hyperpartisanship, as a Washington Post article details. Because of […]
Without access to CDC labs to identify which strains of the virus are circulating, new mutations could be missed.
Currently, about 40 percent of agricultural products go to wast, a percentage that would not be acceptable in any other industry.
Experts say that wireless devices could let more of their health care happen at home.
As the human population continues to inch closer to 8 billion people, feeding all those hungry mouths will become increasingly difficult.
Guest post by Dana WattsCrossposted at As recruiting season is around the corner for international schools and job continue to be posted on TieOnline, I find myself wondering what higher […]
Since open access publishers are effectively paid up front, the more papers they accept, the more money they make.