Couples that stay together tend to have very highly correlated levels of oxytocin.
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Construction has begun in San Antonio on what will be the world’s first commercial plant in which carbon dioxide captured from the air will be mineralized into baking soda.
Everyone has a unique odor print that is built on your immune system genes and that is one of the things that attracts you to a partner.
The right to have an active sex life unencumbered by unintended pregnancy is a healthcare issue, but it is so much more than that as well.
We’ve seen in many countries where they have instituted some quotas that they have been able to bring more women in and that it really has made a big difference in the quality of the decision making position
If I help you get more powerful it doesn’t mean there is less power for me.
You can learn to argue with yourself. That’s actually how I get a lot of my thinking done.
For whatever reason being in nature helps people become better at problem solving.
Experts should trust all of their instincts and their common sense in their areas of expertise. The problem comes when non-experts have “common sense opinion” that really is just coming out of nowhere.
Thanks to the government shutdown, the Food and Drug Administration can’t fully check imported foods for things that could make us sick. This includes half the fruit, a fifth of the vegetables, and almost all of the seafood.
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has detected propylene, a chemical used to create food storage containers and other plastic items, on Saturn’s largest moon. It’s the first time this chemical has been found anywhere outside of Earth.
Today, many worry that the U.S. has lost its edge not just in space but in terms of being a nation of innovators. So what will it take to wake the country up?
World Space Week 2013 is all about what many consider the Next Frontier: the planet Mars.
An MIT scientist has succeeded in creating mini-cubes that have no external parts yet are able to move and assemble themselves into larger shapes. Possible applications include repairing damaged buildings and exploring dangerous terrain.
The same thing that makes you a great entrepreneur can also make you an addict.
Kids do what scientists call over-regularize. They want everything to be the same.
Since you cannot really be 100 percent certain of a theory, a better way to put it to yourself is to say “I think this is very likely to be true.”
Data exhaust could save your life.
The great elephant in the room in the health care discussion is the huge cost of keeping alive those already in the final stages of life. Is there a better way to approach this, or to even discuss it? Right now, we are doing neither.
Two German pianist-researchers have developed a learning system that combines a standard electric piano keyboard with a color projection screen on which blocks, representing notes, stream towards the appropriate keys.
Researchers have come up with a printing process involving a special silver-based conductive ink that can deposit itself to paper. For home hobbyists, it could bridge the gap between a plastic casing and a working electronic device.
The inventors of the “TomTato” say their product — the result of a decade’s worth of development — is the first successful tomato-potato graft to be produced for the mass market.
There’s a new columnist out there writing for The American Conservative. You may or may not regard him as conservative. Patrick Deneen reflects on a semi-depressing book written by my favorite […]
We ultimately need to change the global conversation from one of people complaining about problems to a mindset of solving them.
A wearer viewing a sign through NTT Docomo’s Intelligent Glasses will see a translated image of the characters. The prototype currently works for Japanese, Chinese, Korean and English.
Custom-made from a dental scan and designed to fit over the teeth, the Blizzident claims to do the job of a regular toothbrush in only six seconds.
The only sane response to change is to find the opportunity in it.
Whenever anybody says anything in absolutes when it comes to public policy I’m a little freaked out, but especially when it comes to censorship.
The major investment that’s required for the future is in human capital.
I wrote a book called Standing on the Sun because a physicist said to me once, ”To understand the way that the solar system actually worked, Copernicus had to be standing on the Sun.”