Sleep is the most selfish thing you can do. People say they like the feeling of having their partner next to them when they are asleep. But you have to be awake to feel that.
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Developers at Samsung are trying to one-up Google Glass, the technology that delivers the Internet via a pair of eyeglasses, by creating contact lenses capable of displaying the same electronic information.
A new charity group, Library for All, has figured out how to bring books to Haitian children in a way that would make Occam and his razor very, very proud.
In an experiment using MRI machines, researchers have found that breastfeeding improves brain development in infants when compared with breastfeeding mixed with formula and formula alone.
People who drink one to three cups of coffee per day have a lower risk of contracting certain diseases, including dementia, and are more likely to live longer than those who abstain from coffee.
I did do an analysis of the 147 predictions I did for 2009 in my book, The Age of Spiritual Machines, which I wrote in the mid to late 1990’s […]
A lot of the great successes in life were overnight successes after 10 years of hard work.
The people who build their own theories of the universe tend to work alone and that is both a wonderful thing because it means they have the courage to create […]
Researchers are working on a method to teach passwords through a series of repetitive actions that, ideally, become so familiar that the user does them without conscious thought.
Once you have an opinion about what’s going to happen, you can no longer find things that are true, you only look for things that track your own opinion.
I have my own personal definition of disadvantage and it comes from my own background of growing up in foster homes in Brooklyn, New York. I never felt that I […]
While Congress is bickering, we want to know what you think: should there be a legal pathway to citizenship for people who immigrated to the U.S. illegally?
I would encourage everyone to sit down in the morning before you really do anything and for a few moments write down your core values.
For Leon Wieseltier, the corrosive effects of modern technology spell the demise of humanity as we know it. I’m not so sure.
Why do we have some people who are very religious who look at the world and other people in very compassionate ways and we have other people who are very religious and they look at the world in very negative ways?
Stop harking so much on the past. What’s done is done.
Older people are actually happier than younger people.
A successful failure is a failure that your child can actually learn from and develop from.
The Monster Dreamer uses a sensor-equipped headset to interpret children’s reactions to various creatures and create a 3D-printed toy that contains the features they find most interesting.
Business work today is about grit, perseverance and a good work ethic. This is where our kids fall down.
People spend a lot of time trying to think about how to connect abstract concepts to real life. 3D printers open up a whole new possibility.
Being an engineer is not just about being able to calculate and analyze. It’s a whole spectrum of skills.
This NOAA satellite image shows the tropical storm Andrea making its way up the East Coast.
“[I]nside the 1.3 billion tons of food wasted every year worldwide is 45 trillion gallons of water. This represents a staggering 24 percent of all water used for agriculture.”
The golden rule of investor partnership: I want to communicate to my investors as I would wish they would communicate to me.
According to current policy, when a child under 12 qualifies for an adult-sized organ, they’re often placed on the bottom of the adult list, even if their condition is more critical, because of a lack of comparative data.
Social scientists and health officials are concerned that their dropping survey response rates are negatively impacting research and services. Ironically, they place the blame on the proliferation of marketing surveys.
What it was like to be a man in the early 1960s, but one who was not Don Draper or Roger Sterling, is an issue that is both poignant and chronically unconsidered in hindsight.
I recently interviewed my friend Steve McIntosh, a Boulder, Colorado-based philosopher, author, and entrepreneur, about his forthcoming book on the subject of evolutionary spirituality (title TBD). Steve is the author […]
A USDA scientist accepted a challenge to extend the life of strawberries in the fridge by 50 percent. His solution: LEDs that emitted dim ultraviolet light.