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Young people are sick and tired of what they’ve been experiencing and they don’t understand why it’s continuing.
You try and stare a baby out on the metro and you’re on a loser pal.
Would you kill a baby and save millions of lives further on down the line in history?
One of the benefits of being a psychopath is you are not depressed and you are not anxious.
The more people are attending to threat-related stimuli, the more anxious they get.
In traditional Sufism, a seeker would find a teacher and study under him for a number of years in a particular order, or turuq. During that time the seeker would […]
The Pocket Spacecraft project aims to open lunar exploration to the public by offering thin-film, sensor-packed “scouts” for sale that will eventually travel to the moon and send back data to their owners.
Bonobos have sex with everybody basically all the time. Well, not everybody.
I feel this tendency to come up with an evolutionary explanation for basically everything under the sun is not needed.
The ultimatum game is the ultimate test of fairness, and chimpanzees passed the test by going for the fair options.
Introducing Thomas Cathcart’s new Big Think blog series, Why Philosophize?
A life well-lived is likely to serve others while satisfying our inner passions. When people get lost in their lives and careers, Sir Ken Robinson would argue, they’re usually serving one at the expense of the other.
I neglected the obvious answer to the question of why there exists a useless, contrived, poorly phrased cliche which does not meet good principles of reasoning and serves only to cloud issues.
Billed by some as “Facebook for cops,” BlueLine will allow officers to share and collaborate in a much more secure environment.
Advances in cell engineering are clearing the way for what one scientist believes may be the first successful human head transplant.
Expanding access to education and research tools, Ramez Naam says, “is accelerating this process of the Darwinian evolution of ideas.”
One of my favorite BIG THINKERS, Dave Berreby, criticizes our Declaration of Independence. Here’s the Declaration’s theory: We have the right to life, and we have the right to the […]
What do Eckhart Tolle, Amy Chua, Cesar Millan and Barack Obama all have in common? They are all idea entrepreneurs.
“If you answer yes to 10 or more of these you are a human.” If not, “more tests are needed.”
Modern technology has done nothing to make humans more humble. Quite the contrary. So secure are we in our confidence of our superiority to ancient cultures that discoveries like the […]
Human beings are fallible, politicians perhaps most of all, and Republicans ought to know this.
For many of us, adult life is an extension of middle school awkwardness, mitigated only by a cultivated apathy. Sir Ken Robinson says it doesn’t have to be that way.
The wakefulness drug modafinil, dubbed “Professor’s little helper” has in some circles become the go-to drug for pushing the clock back. Much of the distribution is conducted illicitly, meaning the patient […]
Fordism, engineered assembly line production that stresses the integration of man and machine for the purpose of increased efficiency of production, stands out as one of America’s greatest ideas.
One of the ideas ranking among the top ten in American history, is the creation of public schools and the public education system.
Interested people can now apply to take the Trekker — basically a “42-pound backpack” with 15 camera lenses attached — someplace Google hasn’t been yet.
A recent study showed how using the software to identify struggling students could help teachers stay attuned to their needs, whether they’re in the room with them or at a remote location many miles away.
A proposal by Rep. Eric Swalwell, a freshman House Democrat, would allow Congress to vote remotely, the advantage being that they could attend to affairs in their home district instead of having to physically be in Washington D.C.
Is the pursuit of happiness, which we Americans will celebrate later this week, a worthy goal? Many have said no, on the grounds that happiness comes only to those who […]