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Often you’ll find yourself having those sleepless nights in Seattle and in other places and it’s only when you are asleep that you aren’t basically stuck with this metronome of worry. 
I would argue that probably there are more people like me who learn through interest-driven learning or through building things than young people who can kind of plan their future and execute against it. 
What’s become clear is that, like romantic love, pregnancy is something that changes the risk and the reward processing circuit of the brain. 
Everyone has a unique odor print that is built on your immune system genes and that is one of the things that attracts you to a partner. 
We’ve seen in many countries where they have instituted some quotas that they have been able to bring more women in and that it really has made a big difference in the quality of the decision making position
Experts should trust all of their instincts and their common sense in their areas of expertise. The problem comes when non-experts have “common sense opinion” that really is just coming out of nowhere. 
Today, many worry that the U.S. has lost its edge not just in space but in terms of being a nation of innovators. So what will it take to wake the country up?