Complexity theory is about adaptive systems that teeter on the edge of chaos.
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Niall Ferguson: going on a world tour and seeing which systems do the best job seems like a pretty good starting place to me.
One of the markers of a fast growing company is you constantly have to reevaluate everything.
New research suggests that the “automaton-like” nature of the typical immersive video game avatar can desensitize players to their own pain and that of others, regardless of the level of violence in the game.
The freedom to run your own company and be able to make ethical decisions and stick to your beliefs and stick to your values is very precious and easily lost.
You need to view business growth as a journey and not a destination, and that mindset if very helpful.
The six people who are selected to participate in the Mars Society’s project will spend an entire year at a station located 900 miles from the North Pole.
Anousheh Ansari, the first female private space explorer, believes that if world leaders experienced what she did, they would come up with very different policies.
It isn’t feasible to think that the potential tripling or even quadrupling of energy demand in the coming years can be met with renewable energy sources.
The very fact that Bach’s music is so profound and so uplifting and the man is clearly not a saint makes it all the more interesting.
The author of The Red Badge of Courage, born on this day in 1871, shares today’s wisdom.
The last solar eclipse of 2013 will take place November 3 and it will be a hybrid solar eclipse, meaning it will start out as an annular eclipse with a “ring of fire” (depicted above) and then become a full solar eclipse.
Dolley Madison was extremely controversial during the years of the Founding Fathers.
We can’t restrict adult reading habits to what is fit for children. We’ll have nothing but Alice in Wonderland and Little Red Riding Hood.
Larry Flynt: We’ve got to start leaving people alone unless they’re violating the law.
What do we know about the biblical character Goliath? “He was tall and maybe he didn’t see so well; even WebMD wouldn’t be so bold as to diagnose with no more than that.”
“Unimaginable!” roared Parisian newspaper headlines on August 23, 1911, the day after the Louvre discovered that someone had stolen Leonardo da Vinci‘s Mona Lisa. Who, everyone asked, took La Joconde, […]
Dear CEO The vote in Washington requiring labels for foods with GMO ingredients is coming up. You’ll lose. Even if you win the vote, you will lose the war…because […]
If creativity and optimism are childish fancies, bring it on. The adult world needs more of that.
Sometimes we read meaning into patterns even when there is not inherent meaning. Yet it’s possible to use rationality and to use things that you know about the world to question your intuitions and to second guess them.
Starpath, a material currently being prototyped in a British park, absorbs UV rays during the day and releases them at night, creating a visible glow.
The story of candy is really a story of American industrialization, sensuality, the beginnings of artificial food, and the seduction and independence of children, as they first use candy to control their own pleasure.
We’ve seen more and more human functions be transferred to machines, to robots, to computers, we haven’t all in fact grown poorer.
A plot of land in a cemetery is both a waste of space and money. It is also rather morbid – the stuff of Halloween displays – not to mention uncreative.
More than 82,000 people downloaded the Operation Predator app in the month after its September release. One official calls it a new way “to [turbo-charge] our traditional tip lines.”
“Poe is one of the writers who make us who we are,” wrote E. L. Doctorow. So how is it that Poe’s countrymen could be so hostile to the man? As it turns out, there was villainy at work.
The FAA has lifted regulations restricting the use of certain electronic devices during flight. However, it’s leaving it up to the airlines to prove how well their planes can tolerate the extra interference.
In research done on mice, a compound inside the venom of Chinese red-headed centipedes performed as well as, and in some cases even better than, morphine.
The most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen was not produced by Wes Craven or found in a theme park, it’s what I see some people do to themselves to lose weight. Take a look at these SEVEN scary diets . . . but reader beware if you’re easily grossed-out!
Several marketing campaigns launched over the last few months are designed to help young working men unplug, ideally with a beer. One of them is an app that offers a reward for leaving their phones alone.