Scientists say they’ve located the first definitive proof of a comet hitting Earth: a diamond-studded pebble they’ve named after legendary female philosopher-scientist Hypatia of Alexandria.
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Paul Thorton, the L.A. Times’ letters editor explained the difference between opinions and factual inaccuracies in defending his decision not to print letters that challenge the certainty “that we fossil-fuel-burning humans are driving global warming.”
New York-based startup HEVO Power is working with New York University to develop stations that will resemble parking spots with manhole covers. They will enable charging without the need for a plug.
It is not a weakness to ask a question or seek advice. I would argue the most insecure people are the ones who do not do that.
The government shutdown brought tears to the eyes of a 5-year-old when he could no longer play kids games on his favorite website,
A special issue of Climatic Change, published this month, places focus on how traditional knowledge from native tribes can help scientists develop better adaptation strategies.
You master the fear. Then you move to the next step.
Originally given a 1-in-300 chance of hitting Earth — 50 percent higher than the average for all other near-Earth objects located to date — 1950 DA has had its odds reassessed. Fortunately it’s not expected to arrive for another 866 years.
By 2047, plus or minus five years, the coldest years the world experiences will actually be warmer than the hottest years in the past.
Last month, scientists conducting experiments at the National Ignition Facility witnessed, for the first time ever, a fusion reaction that produced more energy than it consumed. It’s a significant milestone towards a long-sought-after goal.
Would a government default have the impact of Lehman10 as Daniel Gross puts it or could the breaching of the debt ceiling be a “managed catastrophe” as Senator Tom Coburn so artfully put it?
The industry should be reinventing about 70 percent of its portfolio every ten years with new medicines because products go off patent and you need to bring in new products.
For those who want their minor indiscretions to go away (somewhat), probably. However, writer Mathew Ingram worries that Google’s actions could put other sites in danger.
The organization wants to work with game developers to create scenarios that provide appropriate virtual punishment for players who commit what would be considered war crimes in real life.
Sickweather uses social media posts that mention sickness to create a geographical “illness map” so that users can navigate their way around potential “storm activity.”
Last week I received an email asking me to appear on a radio show called ‘The Yoga of Money.’ After listing their street cred with high-end instructors who’ve guested on […]
Sasha Abramsky argues that poverty today is a symptom of profound levels of inequality.
In his Mentor Workshop Jonathon Keats looks at how to ask naïve questions, how to invert perceptions, how to combine incompatible systems, how to remix metaphors and finally how to pursue paradox.
This week Nielsen unveiled a new ratings system that will measure Twitter activity and conversation around TV shows. Skeptics say tweets may not fully represent the extent of audiences’ involvement.
“We were a little appalled” said lead researcher Dr. Nicole E. Ruedy after the team concluded that unethical behavior can trigger “positive affect, which we term a ‘cheater’s high.'”
Partnerships are always challenging, but that challenge also offers room to create something that you could never have created all alone.
Announced Monday (Oct. 7), the Alliance for Affordable Internet aims to make basic broadband available for less than five percent of monthly income worldwide. In developing countries, the cost can be up to six times as much.
While a writer like Chekhov makes us contemplative and skeptical, a mainstream work of fiction does little to enhance our theory of mind skills, such as our ability to understand complex characters.
What about Earth Science? What about Math? What about all of the social sciences? And indeed, what about technology?
A Swedish inventor has created a watch with a display that counts down to the year, month, day, hour and second that you are going to die.
Gavin Menzies reboots the debate on whether Chinese explorers had detailed knowledge of the Western Hemisphere long before Columbus set sail.
The Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences awarded the 84-year-old Higgs, along with Francois Englert, 80, of Belgium, a Nobel Prize in physics for their work in the discovery of the Higgs boson, the subatomic particle that helps explain the very structure of the universe.
In today’s net-enabled knowledge economy, simply being a data dispenser or an information source for clients is no longer enough. Because the internet is so readily available and easy to […]
Last week Sciencepublished a “sting operation” that runs the risk of tarnishing the entire phenomenon of open access publishing, however the paper is only representative of a tiny and very […]
Is any artist linked inseparably with an article of clothing as René Magritte and the bowler hat? Whether raining down from the sky or with faces obscured by apples, Magritte’s […]