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I exchanged a number of e-mails yesterday with contacts and friends in Yemen about the truce that al-Ghad reported, most of them are cautiously optimistic and mostly believe that the […]
As many news outlets are reporting, an apparent suicide bomb in Yemen has killed four South Korean tourists and injured at least three Yemenis (two drivers and tourist guide) outside […]
The body of Muhammad Salih al-Hanashi, the Guantanamo detainee who committed suicide, has arrived back in Yemen and will be taken to Abyan where he will be buried. This article […]
Thanks to all of our readers for writing in with a) humor and b) a horrible mess in an early post by me, which has now been fixed.
Mareb Press is reporting the MiG fighters have bombed a mountain in Shabwa that is suspected of being an al-Qaeda hideout. Others are suggesting that this is a not so […]
As a couple of commentators pointed out in the comments section last night, issue 11 of Sada al-Malahim is now out. I downloaded it last night, but given my writing […]
Below, I briefly discussed an article abstract by MEED, a subscription to which costs some 1200 bones. Valued reader David, however, saved the day by providing a link to Google’s […]
AQAP in a statement posted to jihadi forum has taken responsibility for the attempted attack on an airliner. Included in the statement is a photo of the attacker. One thing […]
Here is a brief bio on Qasim al-Raymi that I wrote back in 2007. Qasim Yahya Mahdi al-Raymi (b. 1977): Al-Raymi is from Sanaa, and was also known by the […]
Nayf Muhammad al-Qahtani’s article in Sada al-Malahim on Saudi’s most wanted list of 85 suspects gives some good background information on a handful of current leaders, particularly al-Wahayshi, Qasim al-Raymi […]
The Oil and Gas Journals– we’re big OGJ guys- reports that the Yemen Liquefied Natural Gas pipeline will start delivering this summer. It has a lot of numbers interesting for […]
Greg mentioned below that there is news about the Huthi rebellion being drowned out a little by all the AQAP coverage. For those new to the blog, we won’t get […]
One of the things I regret about this blog to date, is the relatively few number of times I have been able to shoehorn in references to Dhu al-Fiqar, al-Tahara […]
I have been promising myself that I would write a long post analyzing Tariq al-Fadhli’s joining of the southern movement, but it turns out that I won’t likely have any […]
The Yemeni papers are full of the tragic news of the Yemenia crash last night off the coast of the Comoros Islands. The victims and their families are in our […]
For those who may have missed it, the new issue of the CTC Sentinel is out. Even though they don’t let me write for them anymore they still have good […]
There is much going on in Yemen this morning, but briefly, the two main stories are al-‘Awfi’s confession and the fighting in Ja’ar. I first heard about al-‘Awfi’s confession last […]
Still little word on the remaining kidnapping victims, although Yemen says the search is on-going. Three are dead and one more wounded from the same family, which the government is […]
As the Huthi rebellion continues to gain more international attention, I’m worried that we will start to see more reports like this one from NPR. There really isn’t much here, […]
So, right now, Ali Abdullah Salih is being parodied on Saturday Night Live. For long-time Yemen observers, and Waq al-Waq readers, we have entered very strange times.