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The present-moment awareness that stems from mindfulness practices may be the cost-effective tool that our society needs.
The bizarre discovery could pave the way for advances in regenerative medicine for humans.
If we lose our pollinators, we’ll soon lose everything else.
The Universe’s idea of a ‘typical star’ has changed dramatically over time. When you look out at the Universe today, you’re not seeing it exactly as it is at one particular […]
Virtually enroll in beginner-to-expert guitar lessons to unleash your inner musician.
As patients approached death, many had dreams and visions of deceased loved ones.
The Crab Nebula goes back to 1054, opening a window into our cosmic past. On July 4, 1054, Chinese astronomers recorded a “guest star” in the Taurus constellation. A ‘guest star’ […]
Research reveals a new evolutionary feature that separates humans from other primates.
Dark matter was thought to be cold and collisionless. But maybe that’s not the full story. If you look out at the Universe and measure all the matter out there, including […]
This storm rained electrons, shifted energy from the sun’s rays to the magnetosphere, and went unnoticed for a long time.
The chariot survived ancient eruptions and modern-day looters to become a part of the world heritage site.
New study suggests the placebo effect can be as powerful as microdosing LSD.
Not nearly well enough. And we should all be concerned. In 1859, the science of solar physics truly began with the largest eruption in recorded history: the Carrington event. Prior […]
What makes some people more likely to shiver than others?
Eating veggies is good for you. Now we can stop debating how much we should eat.
The famous cognition test was reworked for cuttlefish. They did better than expected.
Three lines of evidence point to the idea of complex, multicellular alien life being a wild goose chase. But are we clever enough to know?
If you want to get the Universe we see, a multiverse comes along for the ride. When we look out at the Universe today, it simultaneously tells us two stories about […]
The key? A computational flattening algorithm.
Using machine-learning technology, the genealogy company My Heritage enables users to animate static images of their relatives.
It may be old tech, but it’s super-reliable.
Most people seem to enjoy liberalism and its spin offs, but what is it exactly? Where did the idea come from?
How long should one wait until an idea like string theory, seductive as it may be, is deemed unrealistic?
‘Reductio ad absurdum’ won’t help you in an absurd Universe. Throughout history, there have been two main ways humanity has attempted to gain knowledge about the world: top-down, where we […]
The vaccine will shorten the “shedding” time.
The more you donate, the greater your chances.
For democracy to prosper in the long term, we need more people to reach higher levels of education.
What happens when simulation theory becomes more than a fascinating thought experiment?
Their ear structures were not that different from ours.