Shocked city dwellers who stared at it were blinded instantly, then the entire city caught fire.
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The stone camel sculptures, seven in total and originally uncovered back in 2018, far predate more famous monuments.
The cause of the recent uptick in radiation is unknown, but speculation about another catastrophe at Chernobyl is hyperbolic.
U.S. states vary radically in terms of electricity generation. Vermont is the cleanest, while Delaware is the dirtiest.
The universe is only 13.8 billion years old, but we can see back 46.1 billion light-years. Here’s how the expanding universe does it.
Our ancestral cousins far more intelligent than we credit them for, and they did things most of us cannot.
As Russia’s youth welcomed a new era of capitalism in the 1990s, their parents and grandparents clung to fleeting memories of Soviet life.
A biotech startup has received $15 million in funding to genetically recreate woolly mammoths and rewild them in Siberia.
It follows a well-worn playbook for North Korea.
Gravitation, all on its own, can reveal what’s present in the cosmos like nothing else.
With the huge growth in satellites, fears of a crowded sky are coming true.
His family has finally gotten closure after 50 years of uncertainty.
Cryptocurrency “news” is dominated by enthusiasts and haters. Surely, an intellectual discussion can be had.
One day, this powerful tool could be in millions of smartphones.
The EU is slowly realizing that it cannot count on the U.S. to meet its security needs. Has the time finally come for a European military?
Due to deteriorating health, all Beethoven left behind for his final symphony were some musical sketches.
Smallpox, Ebola, HIV, influenza, the plague, malaria, and a whole host of terrible bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites were cooked up by Mother Nature, all on her own. Apparently, Mother Nature hasn’t banned gain-of-function research.
An unexpected finding shows us how little we know about the early human story in our region.
Fossilized footprints found at an excavation site in southwest New Mexico prove humans colonized the continent much earlier than previously thought.
In the perilous mountains of Tibet, archaeologists unearthed ancient hand and footprints that seem to be the creative work of children.
Are the stellar remnants in our cosmic backyard actually our parents and grandparents?
American and French troops turned capturing Hitler’s chalet into a game.
Engineers borrowed the maple tree’s “helicopter” to design tiny, flying microchips, which perform various tasks while in whirling free fall.
A future kitchen appliance could make it possible to 3D-print entirely new recipes and cook them with lasers.
When Tal Golesworthy was told he was at risk of his aorta bursting, he wasn’t impressed with the surgery on offer – so he came up with his own idea.
The most massive galaxies lost their star-forming material very early on and never got it back.
New chip eliminates the need for specific decoding hardware, boosting gaming systems, 5G networks, and more.
The fruits of long-term thinking will reveal themselves in five or ten or 30 years, when you’ve created the future you’ve always wanted.
The Copernican principle states that Earth is an ordinary planet, but that does not mean that life is ordinary in the universe.
The Russian writer’s scorn went beyond a difference in taste; Leo Tolstoy virulently hated everything Shakespeare had come to stand for.