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In our tireless attempts at self-promotion, here is my latest appearance on Danish radio. I think this actually works as opposed to the last time.
China’s People’s Daily (big fan of the glorious voice of the proletariat here) is reporting that five Filipino nurses, held hostage in Sa’dah, have been released. This followed “successful negotiations […]
The National warns that it is midnight in Yemen with this editorial.Laura Kasinof has this piece in the Christian Science Monitor, in which I weigh-in with my thoughts on the […]
Ayman al-Zawahiri released a new audio tape yesterday, which focused on four different subjects. The second of these was on Yemen. His message was not that different form al-Wahayshi’s last […]
Well this is probably more of an insight into my social life than most would like, but the new issue of Sada al-Malahim (The Echo of Battles not the Glorious […]
The forums are just starting to discuss the potential agreement to send Yemeni detainees in Guantanamo to Saudi, and while there isn’t much to report – besides one very humorous […]
One of the dangers of having access to a blog is the temptation to post instant analysis on anything and everything that happens, which can be quite dangerous and often […]
For those of you with a subscription to Jane’s Intelligence Digest, be sure to check out Brian’s analysis of the election delays in Yemen. For those of you without a […]
For those with any interest, I will be on al-Jazeera English this evening – sometime around 8 pm EST – discussing US-Yemeni relations.Update: It turns out I had the time […]
Veteran Waq al-Waq readers can probably skip this post, as it reiterates things we’ve been saying on the blog for about a year now (and to our incredibly lucky family […]
Most of you should remember Muhammad al-‘Awfi’s – the former Guantanamo detainee and one time military commander of AQAP – confessions back in March of this year when he alleged […]
The outside pressure so many were hesitant to put on the Yemeni government finally seems to have taken a toll. The government announced last night a conditional ceasefire. (The official […]
Oh, and for those that missed it, everyone’s favorite shaykh, ‘Abd al-Majid al-Zindani gave a wide-ranging interview to al-Wasat, which was republished by Mareb Press. Good news by the way, […]
You can almost set your watch by them at this point. I love this quote.When asked if the project would be delayed further, Technip (TECF.PA) CEO Thierry Pilenko said: “Whatever […]
There is a new AQAP audio tape, with an accompanying transcript, that has been posted to jihadi forums. I’m downloading it at the moment. This tape was teased in the […]
Protests spread, and a soldier is killed as a checkpoint is attacked. The attack was apparently led my MPs. Here’s a quote.The (official)sources said that two members of parliament were […]
A bank car was robbed yesterday in Aden, with the thieves getting away with almost 100 million rials (a little less than half a million US). Now, given what else […]
Narratives are extremely important in any war, but especially in a civil war. In a civil war, or a rebellion, insurgency, justified uprising (depending on your narrative), one side is […]
Kelly McEvers of NPR has a piece on al–Qaeda in Saudi Arabia and Yemen on Morning Edition this morning. It features both Thomas Hegghammerand myself talking about Saudi and Yemen […]
My postings will be greatly reduced over the next few weeks as I work on a couple of projects that will leave little time for blogging. However, I have been […]
I’ll be traveling for the next three days, and postings will be fairly light. Although we will try to bring the wit and charm you have come to expect from […]
For all Waq al-waq readers please turn to C-Span’s Washington Journal, my favorite show, to see Richard Fontaine talking about Yemen and al-Qaeda.
Long days of writing and scrambling to meet deadlines often leave little time or energy for writing’s lesser cousin, blogging. And today is no different. Normally, I would prefer to […]