The government is going after 100 companies accused of exploiting young workers who are eager for experience. It’s one of several efforts to expose abuses in what some say has become “a defining characteristic” of the Millennial generation.
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A man spends ten years trying to sail home to his faithful wife… A naked foot slides, with mysterious ease, into the prince’s slipper… A girl stands on a balcony, […]
Earlier this month, President Obama announced his intention to create an ambitious research project, supported by billions of federal dollars, to unlock the secrets of how the brain works.
You have to believe that you are going to do well on an exam. I’ve seen students from all different backgrounds, people who started at all different levels, who have […]
To test how strongly we identify our political convictions with a specific political party, Swedish researchers took to the streets just before a national election to survey voters about their political leanings.
La cocina es una de las primeras actividades que nació en la historia, no? Lo primero que hicieron los humanos fue comer. Durante la historia ha ido dialogando con otras […]
It certainly is the case that Shakespeare has been the darling of an extraordinarily weird array of people.
Shakespeare was malleable in every way aesthetically and ethically.
I feel quite strongly that solar power will be the single largest source of electricity generation by mid-21st century. In fact, just a simple extrapolation of the growth of solar […]
If there were a widespread disease that similarly deprived people of a third of their conscious lives, the search for a cure would be lavishly funded. Sleep researchers may be closing in.
The quickening pace at which computer technology continues to advance has given many a futurist the hope for a union between man and machine. But there are other ways of being immortal.
Sociology has robbed the arts (and artists) of the vocabulary needed to appreciate individual works of creativity and self-expression that work toward aesthetic goals, not just marketplace shares.
I had my first spiritual experience when I was 16 years old. I was sitting up late one night having a conversation with my mother about something I can’t remember, […]
So one of my other major interests is this computational problem called genome assembly. So the genome again is this large molecule, but the way we can sequence it are […]
War is just not something that you see when you go back into human evolution. And culture, in fact, can also help us overcome this very destructive behavior.
Diets high in red meat are associated with an increased risk for heart disease, but the usual suspect (cholesterol) has been proven innocent (or not entirely guilty) in several recent studies.
I simply don’t worry about fiction. I don’t worry about short fiction or its place in the ecosystem. People set these parameters that are not fair parameters, first of all. […]
When we talk about the importance of global business education, most people think about the integration of international business concepts into the curriculum, or opportunities to take students abroad.Increasingly important, […]
It’s the most popular—and least reality-based—sentiment of the disgruntled white college applicant with high scores: a black kid took my seat.
I think that most creative people tend to not want to lead because they are always against The Man, and when they become The Man it’s quite awkward. People who […]
“The interpreter” is a very powerful force in the human condition that is always trying to figure out and seek explanations for our behavior.
Is denial of climate change a fringe belief, like thinking the moon landing was fake? Or is it just one current of thought in our society, which deserves respectful engagement, […]
A team of German researchers who wanted to find out of if certain noises help humans sleep better designed an experiment to track individuals’ sleep patterns while they listened to certain sounds.
Adolescent obesity rates would benefit from more adolescent sleep, with the heaviest individuals benefiting the most. Each hour of extra sleep resulted in a reduction of body mass index.
As western governments tighten their budgetary belts, they are experimenting with their nations’ economies as well as with the health of their citizens, according to recent research on austerity.
The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention confirms that 33 people have been infected with the H7N9 strain of influenza which has mutated from its feathered source to infect humans.
It’s interesting to think about why people confuse models with theories. I think probably there are two reasons. One is the incredible effectiveness of mathematical theories in the physical and […]
Canadian scientists used MRI to observe brain activity when subjects listened to music they never heard before. The reward center of the brain lit up in response to music they liked.
It would be an extremely interesting ACLU Board of Directors meeting talking about at what point a machine would have enough attributes in common with people.
What you need in terms of business smarts is great pattern recognition.