We have very specific predictions for how particles ought to decay. When we look at B-mesons all together, something vital doesn’t add up.
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In 2023, data from the James Webb Space Telescope soured hopes that TRAPPIST-1 c had an atmosphere. That disappointment might have been premature.
The fabric of spacetime is four-dimensional, with three for space and only one for time. But wow, time sure is different from space!
Although we still don’t know the question, we know that the answer to life, the Universe, and everything is 42. Here are 5 possibilities.
Whether you run the clock forward or backward, most of us expect the laws of physics to be the same. A 2012 experiment showed otherwise.
Why implementing an individual development plan process is a smart move for organizations today, and how to get started.
ChatGPT doesn’t understand physics, but it memorizes very well and puts in extra effort.
Research suggests curiosity triggers parts of the brain associated with anticipation, making answers more rewarding once discovered.
On December 9, 2023, Halley’s Comet reached aphelion: its farthest point from the Sun. As it returns, here are 10 facts you should know.
Book Club
Known as the “creativity whisperer to the C-Suite”, Natalie Nixon shares techniques to inspire your teams’ creativity.
In “Life As No One Knows It,” Sara Imari Walker explains why the key distinction between life and other kinds of “things” is how life uses information.
We must get happiness right — even when the world around us gets it wrong.
The path of a curling stone on ice — and how it can be influenced — is a revealing metaphor for life’s decisions.
Famed activist Bayard Rustin constantly faced the dilemma of coordinating collective pursuits among diverse groups of people.
A simple plate of vegetables has found the gaping blindspots in generative AI, and points the way to fixing them.
Psychologist Mary C. Murphy explains why growth-mindset teams outperform those centered around a lone genius.
When we view hard work as a sign of low aptitude, it harms our ability to learn and grow.
The TRAPPIST-1 system is a treasure trove of possibilities and questions. Observations by JWST have just begun.
The underground burial tombs were used at least as far back as 2500 B.C.
The first human trial of base editing delivered strong results along with some safety concerns.
Some physicists are besot with the multiverse, but if we can’t detect these other universes, how seriously should we take them?
The giant impact theory suggests our Moon was formed from proto-Earth getting a Mars-sized strike. An exoplanet system shows it’s plausible.
The space telescope’s findings challenge the notion of a galaxy brimming with life.
Bloodcurdling war cries, shrieking elephants, and whistling arrows all made soldiers flee in terror.
Finally, an AI that can drive a digital car as a goat.
Seneca thought the use of ice was a “true fever of the most malignant kind.”
Could a theory from the science of perception help crack the mysteries of psychosis?
Your teams need authentic caregiving, not an insincere plan to merely check all of the well-being boxes.
The best of all investor attributes is easily attained — and unbeatable in combination with other advantages.