10 fun facts as Halley’s Comet makes its big comeback
On December 9, 2023, Halley’s Comet reached aphelion: its farthest point from the Sun. As it returns, here are 10 facts you should know.
This 1986 photograph of Halley's comet, taken from Easter Island on March 8 of that year, is likely the best view we'll have until the comet returns to the inner Solar System in 2061. As of December 9, 2023, the comet now heads back into the inner Solar System, having just passed aphelion in its orbit.
Halley’s comet was the first comet ever to be identified as periodic, as well as to have its return predicted regularly: by its namesake Edmond Halley, way back in 1705.
The comet last appeared in our inner Solar System in 1986, and will return once again in 2061, where it’s expected to make its closest pass to the Sun on July 28, 2061.
On December 9, 2023, it reached aphelion: its farthest point from the Sun. Here are 10 fun facts you should all know as it begins to make its return.
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On December 9, 2023, Halley’s comet achieved aphelion, reaching its greatest distance.
This 1910 photograph of Halley’s comet represents the best display seen by human eyes since the development of photography as applied to astronomy. Although comets are usually visible near perihelion, or closest approach to the Sun, they can be billions of times fainter near aphelion, when farthest away.
These 10 fantastic facts celebrate its impending return.
This simulated sky view shows the skies over London, England in the spring of 1066: when Halley’s comet returned. Although this event was recorded in numerous places, its identification with the return of Halley’s comet would require several hundred years to pass.
This ancient tablet is more than 2000 years old, and records the event of Halley’s comet as follows: “In the 7th year of Emperor Qin Shihuang of the Warring States, a broom star first appeared in the east, then it appeared in the north.”
Credit: Xu, Zhentao, David W. Pankenier, and Yaotiao Jiang. East Asian Archaeoastronomy: Historical Records of Astronomical Observations of China, Japan and Korea, 2000
This Babylonian tablet records the appearance of Halley’s comet dating to late September, 164 BCE. There is evidence that Halley’s comet dates to prehistoric times, but this and the Chinese record of one orbit prior are the first reliable, verifiable records of Halley’s comet as seen from Earth.
2.) Halley’s questioning Newton led to the Principia.
There may never be another Einstein or another Newton, but we can all learn to utilize their equations under the right physical circumstances. We can become excellent at physics the same way they did: by solving problems quantitatively, and using the appropriate mathematical relationships to make predictions about physical phenomena.
Newton offhandedly told Halley a central, ~1/r² force law would create elliptical orbits, then proved it.
While all of the planets in the Solar System orbit the Sun in the same direction, Venus, uniquely, rotates in the opposite direction. For each orbit completed by Venus, although it is the slowest-rotating planet, it experiences roughly two “days” of sunrises and sunsets.
This diagram shows Halley’s comet’s orbit, neglecting the gravitationally perturbative effects of the planets. Halley’s comet spends most of its time near aphelion, near the orbit of Neptune and beyond, but plunges into the inner Solar System once every 74-79 years.
The original publication of Edmond Halley’s wherein he first identified the thrice-recorded comets of 1531, 1607, and 1682 as the same object: Halley’s comet, with a predicted return in 1758.
Credit: Hook & Norman, The Haskell F. Norman Library of Science & Medicine (1991) no. 978
4.) Its orbit is variable.
In Newton’s theory of gravity, orbits make perfect ellipses when they occur around single, large masses. The presence of other masses, like the other planets, cause these elliptical orbits to precess. However, in general relativity, there is an additional precession effect due to both the curvature of spacetime and the fact that the planets are in motion with respect to the Sun, and this causes the orbit to shift over time, in a fashion that is sometimes measurable. Mercury exhibits the largest such effect within our Solar System, precessing at a rate of an extra 43″ (where 1″ is 1/3600th of one degree) per century due to this additional effect.
The other planets, especially Jupiter, perturb cometary orbits. Halley’s periodicity varies from 74-79 years.
The animation depicts a mapping of the positions of known near-Earth objects (NEOs) at points in time over the past 20 years and finishes with a map of all known asteroids as of January 2018. Despite how crowded a diagram such as this appears, the space between asteroids, on average, is enormous when compared to their actual sizes. The impact rate on Earth is dramatically increased, not decreased, by the presence of Jupiter.
While many remarkable comets grace the skies both regularly and irregularly, the greatest comet of Halley’s life, in 1680, was not related to his namesake comet at all. Halley never saw the return of his comet, but it might have looked similar to 2020’s comet NEOWISE, shown here.
Credit: Crater Lake National Park / Rebecca Latson
Halley calculated a 1758 return, but died in 1742.
Painted by Isaac Whood in ~1720, this painting of a likeness of Edmond Halley is considered one of the best likenesses of the 17th-18th century astronomer.
This image of an archaeoastronomy panel from the Peñasco Blanco trail shows a crescent Moon, a 10-pointed star identified with the Crab Supernova of 1054, and, at the bottom, a concentric circle symbol with a flame-like extension: surmised to be a comet, possibly the reappearance of Halley’s Comet in 1066.
Searching for the comet in 1758, a deep-sky nebula confounded Charles Messier. His catalog prevented future confusion.
Through an 18th century-quality telescope, comets, nebulae, and other extended objects are not readily distinguishable from one another. It makes blindly hunting for a slow-moving comet very difficult, and the search for Halley’s Comet in 1758, coupled with the accidental re-discovery of the Crab Nebula, sparked Charles Messier to develop his famous catalog.
Credit: Chris Brankin’s Deepsky (Messier) Objects/Stargazing
7.) Its orbital speed varies tremendously.
Even before we understood how the law of gravity worked, we were able to establish that any object in orbit around another obeyed Kepler’s second law: it traced out equal areas in equal amounts of time, indicating that it must move more slowly when it’s farther away and more quickly when it’s closer. At every point in a planet’s orbit, Kepler’s laws dictate at what speed that planet must move.
Credit: Gonfer/Wikimedia Commons, using Mathematica
As shown at aphelion (late 2023/early 2024), Halley’s comet traces out a highly elliptical path. At its closest approach to the Sun, it passes interior to the orbit of Venus and just outside of Mercury’s orbit, while at aphelion, its farthest distance, it’s more comparable to Plutonian distances.
Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko was imaged many times by the ESA’s Rosetta mission, where its irregular shape, volatile and outgassing surface, and cometary activity were all observed. The comet’s nucleus itself would have to have been much larger and more massive to be pulled into a “round” shape by self-gravitation.
A view of many meteors striking Earth over a long period of time, shown all at once, from the ground (left) and space (right). If a comet’s path crosses Earth’s orbit twice, its debris stream can create up to two meteor showers per year, as Halley’s comet does.
Credit: Comenius University (L), NASA (R); Wikimedia Commons
9.) It’s not the most common comet type.
Each year, Earth passes through the debris stream of various comets, including Comet Swift-Tuttle, which creates the visual phenomenon known as the Perseid meteor shower. Although Comet Swift-Tuttle remains the single most dangerous object known to humanity, it’s Comet Tempel-Tuttle that has the honor of being the first comet linked to meteor showers, as it’s the parent body of the Leonids.
Credit: Ian Webster; Data: NASA / CAMS / Peter Jenniskens (SETI Institute)
This map shows the debris stream of Comet Encke, a short-period comet in orbit around the Sun and the parent of the Taurid meteor shower. For many comets or asteroids, there is a higher density of debris associated with the location of the main (parent) body of the debris stream. However, over enough orbits, the debris will get smeared out to such a sufficient degree that the meteor shower can become very consistent year-to-year. The Leonids have not yet reached that stage, and as such, their output still peaks sharply every 33.25 years.
The last time Halley’s Comet visited the inner Solar System was 1986, when the ESAs Giotto probe flew by it and took this photograph from a distance of just 2000 km. The Sun, to the left, heats the comet’s nucleus which leads to offgassing and the release of dust.
As they orbit the Sun, comets and asteroids typically break up over time, with debris between the chunks along the path of the orbit getting stretched out to create debris streams. These streams cause meteor showers when the Earth passes through that debris stream. This image taken by Spitzer along a comet’s path shows small fragments outgassing, but also shows the main debris stream that gives rise to the meteor showers that occur in our Solar System.