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After saying something really controversial like Tea Partiers aren’t Fascists, I thought it safer to return to a relatively trans-partisan commentary on a good movie.  This is part of my […]
The leaks are catastrophic. The leaks are not catastrophic. Diplomacy’s at risk. Diplomacy’s redeemed. While we develop the questions and wait for the answers, let’s parse another, less quixotic topic […]
A little less than a year ago Brian and I started this blog. What for me began as an amusing diversion has, nearly 12 months later, become an unhealthy distraction. […]
nHere are my notes from Alan November’s keynote today at ITEC 2008 in Des Moines. ITEC is Iowa’s statewide educational technology conference so it’s always a good time. I actually […]
Munir al-Mawiri sums up this quite nicely in his article for Mareb Press today in which Waq al-waq shares top billing with Sada al-Malahim. He is referring to the fact […]
On February 19 we posted on Nasir al-Wahayshi’s speech here. At the time one of the things that most intrigued me – besides a specific term, I have already blogged […]
Loved ones of the writers for Waq al-Waq sometimes get nervous about the obsessive focus on Yemen. And its true: we both at least subconsciously tie every news item we […]
The outside pressure so many were hesitant to put on the Yemeni government finally seems to have taken a toll. The government announced last night a conditional ceasefire. (The official […]