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Three years, 20+ million online views, and many, many face-to-face showings later, the Did You Know? (Shift Happens) video still is going strong. Just this week it was mentioned in […]
Life is not a long slow decline from sunlit uplands towards the valley of death. It is, rather, a U-bend. New statistics show that after the doldrums of middle-age, life perks up again.
Okay, it’s time to try out a new feature here at Dangerously Irrelevant: the Report of the Week (ROTW). Can I find and feature an interesting education-related report each and […]
Miguel challenged us to find new voices. Between now and February 17 I am profiling eight nine bloggers that I’ve found informative and intriguing. Today’s new voice: Rick Scheibner, […]
Have you ever seen the French film Trop Belle Pour Toi? It’s the story of a married car dealer who has an affair with his very ordinary secretary. Doesn’t sound […]
I’m overdue on recognizing the next blog that I feel deserves a bigger audience (DABA). This week I’d like to award the crimson megaphone to Evan Abbey, the Director of Online […]
[I was supposed to post this last Friday. This is starting to become a troubling trend…] My next recipient of the crimson megaphone is Alice Mercer, a teacher in California. […]
[I’m a little behind. I was supposed to post this last Friday…] I am thrilled to announce the next recipient of the crimson megaphone : Kim Moritz, an associate superintendent […]
Our decisions matter. You don’t need me to tell you that. Of course they matter. It almost seems a tautology, a restatement of the obvious, of the very definition of “decision.” And yet, even though we make decisions at every point in our lives . . .
My latest higher education article for Technology & Learning , Knowledge Networks , is now available. The article draws deeply from my previous blog posts, Linked, Scholarship 2.0 , and […]
It’s time to name the next recipient of the crimson megaphone! This week I pick Scott Meech’s blog, Technology in Education isn’t the Future… It is the Present!, as one […]
Miguel challenged us to find new voices . Between now and February 17 I am profiling eight nine bloggers that I’ve found informative and intriguing. Most represent a leadership perspective […]
Comfort foods. We all have them. Foods that make us feel all warm and cozy inside, not just because they taste yummy but also because they evoke memories of happy […]
Miguel challenged us to find new voices. Between now and February 17 I am profiling eight nine bloggers that I’ve found informative and intriguing. Today’s new voice: Dave Sherman, Mr. […]
Miguel challenged us to find new voices . Between now and February 17 I am profiling eight nine bloggers that I’ve found informative and intriguing. Most represent a leadership perspective […]