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When arrested in 1936 during a protest over the dismissal of 500 artists from the WPAFederal Art Project, Lee Krasner told the unsuspecting police officer processing her that her name […]
As an untenured professor at a major research university, of necessity I spend a lot of time thinking and talking about ‘writing’ and ‘publication.’ I’ve blogged about some of this […]
I voted today (22nd in line!). I voted for future-oriented leadership instead of compliance. I voted for anticipatory, not reactionary. I voted for engagement with the world, not bellicosity. I […]
Miguel challenged us to find new voices. Between now and February 17 I am profiling eight nine bloggers that I’ve found informative and intriguing. Today’s new voice: Rick Scheibner, […]
Our hyper efficient, always on modern lives don’t often account very well for those who are sick and shut in. Last week, though, I found myself going back to my […]
Here are four tales out of school, as relayed by parents: Hatshepsut and Thutmose Four questions from a study packet for a middle school World Civilizations class: A. Nubia developed […]
I ran across an interesting article, From Literacy to Digiracy, in The Economist (hat tip to Angela Maiers). Here’s the money quote: For anyone under the age of 20, the […]
I missed most of David Pogue’s presentation this morning at ITEC because I had to first meet the folks from the carpet company who were coming to measure the rooms […]
Who knew? Apparently, the opposite of “shoplifting” is “shopdropping.” According to The Consumerist, shopdropping is when people print out “improved” labels at home and attach them to items in retail […]
Our decisions matter. You don’t need me to tell you that. Of course they matter. It almost seems a tautology, a restatement of the obvious, of the very definition of “decision.” And yet, even though we make decisions at every point in our lives . . .