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Innovation – everyone says they want it, but when it’s time to personally embrace it and change what they do everyday there is often reluctance, if not outright resistance. In […]
An excellent article by Bill Wasik in Wired UK discusses the role technology and connectivity play in the creation of unruly mobs (as opposed to the peaceful protests seen widely […]
Here at Mind Matters, we aren’t big fans of militant atheism, or any other doctrine that prefers to explain away other views, rather than engaging them. I’m convinced that rhetorical […]
At the New York Times’ “Schools for Tomorrow” conference, Larry Summers expressed his disappointment with our education system. The former Harvard President argued that, “The world is changing very rapidly… […]
Have you ever considered for yourself what love actually is?  Or do you assume you know what love is, based on what others may have said about this all-important topic? […]
      Here’s some bad news for those of you who like to think you can think rationally about risk. You can’t. You know all those thoughtfully considered views you have […]