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If spinning-and-moving charges make magnetic fields, why does a giant neutral thing have one? Image credit: NASA, Chandra X-ray Observatory, SAO, DSS, via “By allowing the positive ions to […]
Think a star explosion is always a pyrotechnic show far superior than all the 4th of July fireworks put together? Some stars actually explode in slow motion. NASA captured one […]
What looks like a still from Star Wars: Episode 7, in production right night, is actually a successful experiment in patience. Icelandic photographer Ingólfur Bjargmundsson waited all night to capture […]
A hybrid potato that can reduce food waste and eliminate a suspected carcinogen in cooked potato products would seem to be an environmentalist’s dream. But the hybrid was created using biotechnology to blend potato genes from different varieties, so opponents of genetically modified food are fighting to keep this potentially beneficial product from ever reaching consumers.
On October 3, 1948, at 3:50 pm, Peter Blume finished his epic painting, years in the making, titled The Rock (shown above). “After a turbulent decade in which Peter Blume embarked on false starts, endured debilitating anxiety, experienced self-doubt, and found his faith in the creative process renewed,” Robert Cozzolino writes in the catalog to the new exhibition Peter Blume: Nature and Metamorphosis, finishing The Rock must have been a great relief. Blume recorded that date and time the way many record the birth of their children, for The Rock was his precious baby, but completing it marked a rebirth of sorts for Blume as a different kind of artist. Shaped by political and artistic currents of the first half of the 20th century, Blume emerges as a difficult to categorize artist, but also as a fascinating visionary who struggled to paint a personal reality clinging to the foundation of hope.
Over 1,000 light-years in diameter, the Tarantula Nebula is a giant star forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a galaxy near ours. NASA released an image of it today. […]
Nebula’s are star-forming regions rich in interstellar clouds of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases. How else do they keep the star factory running? On Tuesday, NASA released this […]
Elizabeth Taylor would swoon over this stellar jewel box. NASA released this image of NGC 290, an open star cluster and a treasure chest of sparkling objects. From NASA: Like […]
Christmas may be Jesus’ “birthday,” but, as any mother will tell you, his mother Mary really deserves the applause. Providing the humanity half to join with Christ’s divine side, Mary volunteered to play a part from the Incarnation to the Crucifixion to the Resurrection as everything from an active participant to an interested bystander, depending on your interpretation of Christian scripture.