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You searched for: immigration

While Americans observe Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and the historic swearing-in of President Barack Obama to a second term today, using the bibles of Lincoln and MLK, across the […]
The classic Horatio Alger myth — the rags-to-riches tale of someone from a humble, working-class background who attains a modicum of wealth and stability in American society — is virtually an evergreen […]
Looking at the electoral college map, it’s easy to imagine that the U.S. is a sharply divided country. The northeastern and western coastal states are all blue, while a broad […]
Big Think has reached into our archive and also sourced expert opinions from around the Web to showcase the big ideas from each political party. Call it a virtual convention of ideas. 
I was reading a 1937 essay in which the author made casual mention of the problem of “morganatic marriage.” I’d never heard this term before.  I figured it might be […]
The 2012 election is officially over, and it was glorious. Barack Obama and the Democrats have delivered what one of our elder statesmen once referred to as “a thumping” to […]
With this unexpected lull in the Republican convention schedule, I started wondering—are the Democrats ready for 2016? I know it sounds a little premature to be wondering about four years […]