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The most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen was not produced by Wes Craven or found in a theme park, it’s what I see some people do to themselves to lose weight. Take a look at these SEVEN scary diets . . . but reader beware if you’re easily grossed-out!
When the citadels of knowledge for knowledge’s sake collapse, the marketers rush in to fill the void. We’re in greater need now  than ever of epistemology – a careful, systematic examination of what we know and how we know it.
The use of digital tools might be narrowing people but I think it also has something to do with an overly global and overly sort of flattened form of sharing on the internet where people don’t have a chance to build up local bubbles.
There is nothing more mind-numbing than reading in someone’s bio or profile a list of things they are “passionate” about, in a sentence that goes: “I am passionate about x, […]
I just came to realize that what we got involved in and what I had been supporting was turning education into a desiccated, data-driven, anti-human activity and this would not encourage the love of learning. 
Often you’ll find yourself having those sleepless nights in Seattle and in other places and it’s only when you are asleep that you aren’t basically stuck with this metronome of worry. 
Let’s suppose you are running the perfect state, the perfect government.  You would want to go on a little world tour before you got down to business to see the […]
If you know only one work of modern art, it’s probably The Scream. More people know that “Mona Lisa” of modern angst than know the name of the artist that […]
The more that we know how to leverage these social platforms to either donate our time or our energy or our money to either a natural disaster or even to a political revolution the more we can facilitate change.