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Big food, which is industrial food, big farming, which is agribusiness, and big pharma all profit from making people sicker and fatter.  
The nicest response to a critic who gives a product (particularly films, games, comics, etc.) a low score is fans’ insistence that the critic is wrong. Of course, many fans […]
“People as old as 90 who actively acquire new interests that involve learning retain their ability to learn. But if we stop taxing the nucleus basalis, it begins to dry up.”
The first serious discussion of a legal right to privacy in the United States didn’t come until the year 1890 and that was because of the invention of a technology and that technology was the Kodak camera. 
Half a percent of the universe is all we see – all the stars, the dust, the galaxies, everything – half a percent.  So what’s the rest? 
Dear CEO             The vote in Washington requiring labels for foods with GMO ingredients is coming up. You’ll lose. Even if you win the vote, you will lose the war…because […]