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Futurelab: the future of strategy, marketing, and innovation

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What The Huffington Post is to politics, the Marketing & Strategy Innovation blog from Futurelab is to the world of innovation. A group of 25-30 contributors, led by Stefan Kolle of Futurelab, weigh in daily with their observations from the world of strategy and innovation. There’s a great mix of content on the site — including thought-provoking images and ideas from Lynette Webb, ruminations about the future from C. Sven Johnson, and discussion of important innovation trends from Ilya Vedrashko.

Anyway, I’m excited to join this group of high-profile contributors — look for me on the author sidebar, between Dick Stroud (a visiting lecturer at London Business School and the managing director of a consulting firm targeting the 50-plus market) and Guy Kawasaki (legendary Apple evangelist and venture capitalist).

[image: futurelab]

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