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You searched for: psychology

The EU’s reluctance to bail out a floundering Greece raises all kinds of questions about whether or not European states will ever unify. But we sort of already knew that […]
Egyptian fruit bats apparently hit their food targets by deliberately not aiming at them. They point their sonar sound beam to either side of the target instead.
The non-religious know their right from wrong just as well as churchgoers, according to new research revealing a strong moral compass among atheists.
British psychologists have discovered that people who spend a considerable time online are less likely to be happy than those who don’t, claiming there’s “a dark side” to web surfing.
Robert Skidelsky appointed to the British Parliament to advise the Queen on matters of high policy, discusses the psychological adjustment America might need to make as it’s superseded by China.
6 min
Schizophrenia has a significant environmental link and can be triggered in the womb by an infection, with the symptoms lying dormant for years, according to new research.
Oscar Wilde once declared that “the mystery of love is greater than the mystery of death.” Well, this might be true, but it’s not stopping us from attempting to get […]
Online dating companies are getting more technical in their match-making abilities including matching couples based on genetic markers of the immune systems.
Despite it being US military practise to have a psychologist present during torture to “protect the victim”, experts argue there is “no role for mental health professionals” in such situations.
A new study has revealed that people who have recently consumed a sugary drink are more successful at negotiating a pay rise that those who do so on an empty stomach.
Royal Caribbean International is continuing to dock its luxury cruise ships on the beaches near Labadee in Haiti, near the epicenter of the earthquake. Some passengers are queasy about this. […]
A new study suggests that men are generally less prone to feelings of guilt and that women show a “significantly higher” propensity for it, while men feel “too little” in comparison.
While it’s not quite Norman Mailer on Liston v. Patterson, Gawker’s analysis of New Republic editor Leon Wieseltier’s recent exchange with Andrew Sullivan makes for brilliant reading, a smart companion to the […]