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Twitter TSA Link?

Blogger Steven Frischling, suspected of leaking a TSA document, has had his Twitter account implicated in a bizarre fracas with a TSA agent who allegedly posed as Frischling online.
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“Hours after two TSA agents served a civil subpoena on blogger Steven Frischling last week to uncover the anonymous source of a leaked document, an unusual message appeared on the blogger’s Twitter account. ‘To the gentleman who sent Flying With Fish the TSA Security Directive … Thank You! Can you drop me an email?I have a question. Thanks-Fish.’ Now conflicting stories about origins of the message have emerged, underscoring the unusual measures taken by the TSA in tracking down the leak, and the actions of a blogger under extraordinary pressure over the publication of unclassified government information. According to someone familiar with the incident, one of the TSA agents, while in possession of Frischling’s BlackBerry, typed the message in the blogger’s Twitter account. He then handed the BlackBerry back to Frischling and asked him to click on the ‘send’ button to post the message to his Flying With Fish Twitter page, the source offered to Threat Level.”

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