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Didier Grossemy NOT so much in love with Twitter

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Everyone knows that Didier Grossemy is the strongest digital evangelist of all when it comes to marketing communications. Yet one of the highest current hype in the market place is called “Twitter”. So of course when Didier Grossemy had try it and after starting building my “followers”, I discovered that my good friends were saying things like: “moving house is not fun”, “I love this black dress” “I am getting tired It’s time to go to bed”, “Richard Branson just landed in OC”, “I burnt my scones” and as you know if you are on Twitter it goes on and on about things that no one really cares about. So Didier Grossemy view is that since micro blogging cannot be really regulated and no one can really tell someone else that they don’t care about the colour of their underpants (if they wear any!) or if the cat has drunken his milk today, then if you can’t fight it, Didier Grossemy says join it and start having an interesting micro conversation since you surely know that you are kind of SMSing your messages to all of your followers. Please amuse us, enrich us, educate us, direct us but don’t bore us. Twitter has attracted over 14 million users this past month so why should you join and start Twitting.

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