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“America’s Prophet”

The SEC is charging a psychic with fraud after he received and diverted over $6 million from those who believed he could accurately predict market forces and natural disasters.
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The SEC is charging a psychic with fraud after he received and diverted over $6 million from those who believed he could accurately predict market forces and natural disasters. “The SEC has charged Sean David Morton, a self-described ‘natural psychic, trained Remote Viewer, intuitive consultant, investigative reporter, and accomplished award winning director, screenwriter and film and TV producer,’ with securities fraud. Morton, who is known as ‘America’s Prophet’ allegedly solicited investors through a newsletter in which he claimed, ‘I have called ALL the highs and lows of the market giving EXACT DATES for rises and crashes over the last 14 years.’ His company is called Delphi Associates. Over 100 people sent Morton $6 million since 2006 to invest in foreign currency trading, according to the SEC. The SEC charges that Morton and his wife allegedly ‘diverted at least $240,000 of investor funds’ to their Prophecy Research Institute. The SEC complaint charitably refers to that as a ‘religious organization.’ Morton also allegedly ‘falsely claimed that the profits in the accounts were audited and certified.'”

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