Recent books that are sure to add to your intelligence.
Is high IQ really something that can genuinely turn people on? Apparently so — but only to a certain point.
Albert Einstein’s famous thought experiments led to groundbreaking ideas.
There are three types of intelligence that are necessary for success in life, says the noted psychologist Robert Sternberg.
High school junior Caitlin is worried. She wants to be a scientist but is struggling with it a little bit in school—is there hope for her career?
2 min
Standardized testing is like bringing a knife to a gun fight. It’s not totally useless, but it does misunderstand the situation. The Imagination Institute’s Scott Barry Kaufman suggests a more three-dimensional search for intelligence.
5 min
The IQ test is the most widely known measure of intelligence, but are the ‘twice exceptional’ and other gifted members of society slipping between the cracks?
4 min
Genius kids are caught in the Goldilocks oatmeal paradox – if there’s too much heat on extracting their ability they suffer, but keep too cool a distance and they’ll be wasted.
A number of scientific studies find the traits shared by intelligent people.
New research produces surprising results about which animals are the smartest.