Soon we’ll be able to blink and instantly go online via computer chips attached to our eyes.
3 min
Japanese researchers carry out quantum teleportation within a diamond.
How do you do justice to the truth in a headline-driven world?
7 min
The tactics that work now won’t work for long.
Eli Pariser explains why we can’t just think of civility as being polite to one another.
3 min
Jonathan Rauch explains why the internet is so hostile to the truth, and what we can do to change that.
5 min
YouTube’s constantly changing hate speech and harassment policies beg the question: Where exactly is the line?
If virtue is insufficient temptation, then the internet makes sure we are never lacking.
It will take a crack team of scientists, programmers and philosophers to cure the online hate pandemic.
4 min
GenTech aren’t happy about how their data is being collected and used.
Moral grandstanding is a vanity project that sabotages public discourse says moral philosopher Brandon Warmke.
7 min
Despite being free to users, Facebook seems to have a monopoly on our speech, our data, and our lives.
The lost practice of face-to-face communication has made the world a more extreme place.
5 min
In 1654, Blaise Pascal wrote: “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” That’s more true today than ever.
5 min
Why the culture that destroyed attention spans is now turning to podcasts.
7 min
Study finds that readers are still the best judge of fake news and misinformation.
Opinion is more compelling than fact. That’s tearing society apart.
5 min
The neuralnanorobotics are coming.
What does the power of the online mob hold for tyranny and conformity?
Why an early Facebook investor is now Facebook’s biggest critic.
6 min
IF your goal is to persuade people, that is.
Have swipes and scrolls replaced deep thinking?
4 min
The navigation tool has placed a school in the sea, among other things.
This is how data harvesting really works. You’re not going to like it.
9 min
It’s a “surprising trend,” said Google’s lead analyst for pay equity.
As Facebook and YouTube move to moderate anti-vaccination content, Amazon has given no indication that it plans to do the same.
Companies refer to like-minded strangers when recommending products to you.
3 min
Musican. Actor. Fashion Icon. Internet Visionary?
Former NYTimes executive editor Jill Abramson dissects the big problem with internet news.
7 min