If you want to know what makes a Canadian lynx a Canadian lynx a team of DNA sequencers has figured that out.
Thanks to genetic engineering, a child can now have three parents. But is it a good idea?
Scientists can now virtually reconstruction certain long-dead individuals, without the need for DNA samples from physical remains.
The fragility of digital memory could let the entire story of our time turn to sand.
First, let me tell you how smart I am. So smart. My fifth-grade teacher said I was gifted in mathematics and, looking back, I have to admit that she was […]
New studies shed light on how Neanderthal DNA is affecting the appearance and behavior of modern humans.
A recent DNA analysis shows that a skeleton found in a famous Viking grace belonged to a female warrior.
New research by Professor Dan Graur shows that only a quarter of the human genome is functional.
We’re at risk of mistaking the music for the piano in using a “jump to the gene” approach to biology. It’s time for a more fitting view of genes to evolve.
Scientists film a closeup of DNA replication for the first time, leading to unexpected observations.
Can genius be reproduced from extracted DNA? Introducing the Leonardo Project.
Harvard scientists say they are two years away from creating a hybrid embryo with mammoth traits.
We are what we are because of genes; we are who we are because of memes. Philosopher Daniel Dennett muses on an idea put forward by Richard Dawkins in 1976.
7 min
This particular type of gene therapy gave mice younger bodies and 30% longer lifespans.
The longer you roll that dice, the higher the chance that a DNA mutation spawns a cancerous cell. The researchers on this study likened it to playing Russian roulette; sooner or later, there’s one in the chamber.
Geneticists make a surprising find in the DNA of Melanesians.
Most of the foods we consume are created for the supermarket shelf, not for our health, says psychiatrist Drew Ramsey. But you can boost your brain function and overall well-being with this one very low-tech, analogue tool: your grocery list.
10 min
Most of us have heard of the double helix. But quadruple helix DNA?
Being able to rewrite DNA as we wish could give us almost god-like power over all life on earth.