Some Very Clever Signs from the March for Science

On Earth Day, April 22, millions of people hit the streets of Washington, D.C., and cities worldwide to March for Science.
The organizers of the march have framed it as a reproach against “an alarming trend toward discrediting scientific consensus and restricting scientific discovery.” Lead organizer Jonathan Berman, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, described it like this to the New York Times:
“Yes, this is a protest, but it’s not a political protest… The people making decisions are in Washington, and they are the people we are trying to reach with the message: You should listen to evidence.”
Speaking to Buzzfeed News, Bill Nye, one of several public leaders for the march, said:
“People are denying the facts of science in the world’s most influential economy. We’re marching to remind everybody of how much science serves you, a person, as a citizen in our society.”
Here are some of the clever signs participants of the march created:
This dog is marking his bark heard. Will he also mark science as his territory?
— Rowan Hooper (@rowhoop) April 22, 2017
Apparently there was no pie, but this marcher continued on.
#marchforscience Salt Lake City
— Wayne Padgett (@ecodude2) April 22, 2017
You never know when the introverts are about the strike. Very sneaky are the introverts.
Thx to organizers of great #marchforscience today. Thx to all who braved cold and rain. My favorite sign
— Christiana Figueres (@CFigueres) April 22, 2017
And the award for tweeting from the furthest distance goes to...
Climate researchers in Antarctica show support for #MarchForScience
— The Hill (@thehill) April 22, 2017
Meanwhile in the midwest, marchers prove that science and religion do make bedfellows.
March for Science - #DesMoines #Iowa#marchforscience #MarchForScienceIA #DesMoinesProtests
— Mike Hiatt (@mfhiatt) April 22, 2017
And the award for the "best" double pun goes to...
A message for the whole @realDonaldTrump administration on #EarthDay. #marchforscience #ClimateChange #TrumpForest
— Trump Forest (@RealTrumpForest) April 22, 2017
This man wrote a single pun so he could show off some really big underwear.
Oh but this was festive, too @world_on_a_wire #MarchForScience
— Daune O'Brien (@DauneOBrien) April 22, 2017
One pun, one allusion to a marketing campaign for milk, one flat earth slam, and four people loving science!
Science not silence! #earthday2017 #MarchforScience #SanFrancisco
— Positively Stacey (@PositivelyStace) April 22, 2017
This is the geekiest sign combined with the most profane sign we could find.
#marchforscience #math #Trump #la
These girls underlined PLAN incase you didn't know what they were going for.
Happy Earth day! #marchforscience #bostoncommon #science #earthday
Luckily this girl lives in Chicago, so rising oceans won't affect her city anytime soon. But we are all for solidarity!
There's no arguing with this. Beyonce's kids do live on planet Earth. It's a good planet, so let's protect it and make our home. Happy Earth Day, Everyone!