There was a lot of hype and a lot of nonsense, but also some profoundly major advances. Here are the biggest ones you may have missed.
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At extremely close distances to their stars, even rocky planets can be completely disintegrated. We’ve just caught our first one in action.
Even with the quantum rules governing the Universe, there are limits to what matter can withstand. Beyond that, black holes are unavoidable.
The next solar eclipse to occur over heavily populated areas is on April 8, 2024. For a spectacular show; here’s where the best views are!
Straddling the bounds of science and religion, Newton wondered who set the planets in motion. Astrophysics reveals the answer.
From inside our Solar System, zodiacal light prevents us from seeing true darkness. From billions of miles away, New Horizons finally can.
Out beyond Neptune are some fascinating bodies left over from our Solar System’s formation. Could one of them truly be spectacular?
The full extent of the Andromeda galaxy, the nearest large galaxy to our own, has been entirely imaged with Hubble’s exquisite cameras.
In the 20th century, many options abounded as to our cosmic origins. Today, only the Big Bang survives, thanks to this critical evidence.
In just a few seconds, a gamma-ray burst blasts out the same amount of energy that the Sun will radiate throughout its entire life.
In 1054, a core-collapse supernova occurred 6500 light-years away. In 2023, JWST imaged the remnant, and might solve a massive mystery.
The nearby, bright star Fomalhaut had the first optically imaged planetary candidate. Using JWST’s eyes, astronomers found so much more.
Life arose on Earth early on, eventually giving rise to us: intelligent and technologically advanced. “First contact” still remains elusive.
The mutual distance between well-separated galaxies increases with time as the Universe expands. What else expands, and what doesn’t?
The last naked-eye Milky Way supernova happened way back in 1604. With today’s detectors, the next one could solve the dark matter mystery.
Adams was infamously scooped when Neptune was discovered in 1846. His failure wasn’t the end, but a prelude to a world-changing discovery.
Here in our Solar System, we only have one star: a singlet. For many systems, including the highest-mass ones, that’s anything but the norm.
The odds are slim, but the consequences would be literally world-ending. There really is a chance of a black hole devouring the Earth.
There are only four super star clusters in all the Local Group: rarities today. Here’s what the youngest, the just-discovered N79, shows us.
The crisis of the Anthropocene challenges our traditional narratives and myths about humanity’s place in the world. Citizen science can help.
As planets with too many volatiles and too little mass orbit their parent stars, their atmospheres photoevaporate, spelling doom for some.
Physicists recently created Coordinated Lunar Time, a time zone for our Moon.
Many planets will eventually be devoured by their parent star. For the first time, we caught a star in the act, eating its innermost planet!
In a recent paper, biologists outlined a three-part hypothesis for how all life as we know it began.
The number of planets that could support life may be far greater than previously thought, a recent discovery suggests.
Our cosmic home, planet Earth, has been through a lot over the past 4.5 billion years. Here are some of its most spectacular changes
First discovered in the mid-1960s, no cosmic signal has taught us more about the Universe, or spurred more controversy, than the CMB.
The JWST’s observations of well-developed galaxies early in universal history may coincide with accepted astronomical theory after all.