The DARPA-funded memory prosthesis helps the brain retain new information.
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Frugality can also benefit the environment.
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a medieval airship!
Scientists are working to map out the risks of the permafrost thaw, which could expose millions of people to the invisible cancer-causing gas.
Research consistently points to a set of leadership skills that are high-impact, difficult to develop, and not easily replicated by technology.
Experts believe they could cut the time it takes a rocket to reach Mars by up to 25%, shaving about two months off the trip.
Nobody knows where the word “penguin” comes from.
These dissolvable pills aren’t meant to be swallowed, though.
One of Jetoptera’s VTOLs is expected to reach speeds of around 614 mph, about as fast as a commercial jet airliner.
Just like with AI, people worried about job security and the spread of disinformation. Machines were destroyed and book merchants were chased out of town.
Studies show talk therapy works, but experts disagree about how it does so. Finding the answer could help professionals and patients.
Not too hot, not too cold…
From hunter-gathers to desk jockeys, we work best when short, intense sessions are followed by lighter fare.
Simple “nudges” to remind people to show up for court could help keep thousands out of jail.
The Reitoff principle gives us permission to “write off” a day and intentionally step away from achieving anything.
Leadership evasion might seem like a plan for workplace freedom but it isn’t a good thing — it’s a denial of opportunity.
The “island rule” hypothesizes that species shrink or supersize to fill insular niches not available to them on the mainland.
“When you feel the isolation setting in at times, you have to reframe your mindset.”
For some reason, when we talk about the age of stars, galaxies, and the Universe, we use “years” to measure time. Can we do better?
“Of course, the spleen is the biggest organ in the body.”
ATD 2024 challenged us to make moments of recovery part of our daily practice. Here’s how each keynote speaker advised finding that balance.
Various environmental phenomena can play tricks on our brain.
The history of cartography might have been very different if the Latin version of Muhammad al-Idrisi’s atlas had survived instead of the Arabic one.
Find it easier to sort out your friends’ problems than your own? This paradox is for you.
This collection of learning and development quotes serves as a reminder of the meaning and purpose behind this important work.
On November 25, U.N. members will meet in South Korea to cap off a series of meetings aiming to reduce global plastic pollution.
Admitting that we know little about our future selves can radically improve our decision-making.
Aiming to unlock the secrets of his unconscious mind, Jung experimented with intensive daydreaming.
Data from the Zhurong rover suggests the Red Planet was wet more recently than we thought.