Despite many ultra-distant galaxy candidates found with JWST, we still haven’t seen anything from the Universe’s first 250 million years.
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Impossible standards and poor self-understanding are making us miserable.
A new wave of preventative cancer vaccines are set to begin trials.
Most fundamental constants could be a little larger or smaller, and our Universe would still be similar. But not the mass of the electron.
No matter how you define the end, including the demise of humanity, all life, or even the planet itself, our ultimate destruction awaits.
Spiritual experiences can be explained in terms of a highly evolved brain. But they also can be extremely meaningful.
Earth, the only rocky planet with a large, massive satellite, is greatly affected by the Moon. Destroying it would cause 7 major changes.
A longstanding mismatch between theory and experiment motivated an exquisite muon measurement. At last, a theoretical solution has arrived.
A conversation with an advanced alien species is likely to be simple and to take 1,000 years. It might also be dangerous.
He is only out-sold by William Shakespeare and Lao Tzu.
Nothing lives forever, at least, not in the physical Universe. But relativity allows us to get closer than ever, from one perspective.
Thinking about the problem of meaning is unsettling because it introduces us to a list of solutions that all feel a bit insane.
In 2017, we detected gold being forged in a neutron star-neutron star merger. Now, in 2024, the amounts created simply don’t add up.
For some reason, when we talk about the age of stars, galaxies, and the Universe, we use “years” to measure time. Can we do better?
The laws of physics don’t prefer matter over antimatter. So how can we be certain that distant stars & galaxies aren’t made of antimatter?
Did the Milky Way form by slowly accreting matter or by devouring its neighboring galaxies? At last, we’re uncovering our own history.
How can you maximize the amount of love and happiness in your life? One of history’s greatest scientists found the answer: with math.
The 5th brightest star in our night sky is young, blue, and apparently devoid of massive planets. New JWST observations deepen the mystery.
Named “Supernova H0pe,” it shows how JWST plus gravitational lensing can be used to solve the greatest puzzle facing astronomy today.
Most philosophers merely contemplate the world, but what about the ones who actually tried to change it?
These core teachings make an ideal starting point for exploring Buddhist philosophy.
“Why are you unhappy? Because 99.9 percent of everything you think, and of everything you do, is for yourself — and there isn’t one.”
Socrates lived during a time when people did not strive to separate fact from fiction. So how much of what we know about Socrates is true?
The meaning of the cryptic text has eluded scholars for centuries. Their latest efforts include computational analyses seeking new insights into the medieval enigma.
In the early stages of our Solar System, there were three life-friendly planets: Venus, Earth, and Mars. Only Earth thrived. Here’s why.
Financial illiteracy can become a significant problem. But it’s a problem with a clear solution.
Is college worth it? This question may seem a no-brainer, but there are many reasons why it is worthy of serious deliberation. Here are three.
There’s a quantum limit to how precisely anything can be measured. By squeezing light, LIGO has now surpassed all previous limitations.
Even with the quantum rules governing the Universe, there are limits to what matter can withstand. Beyond that, black holes are unavoidable.
The role of the Devil’s advocate was to argue against the beatification of mystics. Contrary to popular belief, they did not wear Prada.