At the Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society in Michigan, retrieving sunken vessels is the order of the day. Here’s how they do it.
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Recasting the iconic Carrington Event as just one of many superstorms in Earth’s past, scientists reveal the potential for even more massive eruptions from the sun.
A chemist explains the real reason your family dinner is such a risky ordeal.
“A modern five-day forecast is as accurate as a one-day forecast in 1980.”
The Antarctic Treaty of 1959 prohibited nations from making new land claims on the continent. But it never mentioned claims from private individuals.
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a medieval airship!
About six million years ago, the Mediterranean was sealed off from the Atlantic, and over centuries it ran dry. One megaflood reversed that.
More than a third of Americans don’t get enough sleep. Diet is an important, under-recognized culprit.
High-frequency oscillations that ripple through our brains may generate memory and conscious experience.
EV charging stations are the most widespread alternative to gas and diesel pumps. Each alternative has its own hotspots and “deserts.”
Water on Mars is key for human survival on the Red Planet, not just for drinking but for growing food and making fuel and oxygen.
For decades people have arranged to freeze their bodies after death, dreaming of resurrection by advanced future medicine. Many met a fate far grislier than death.
The most unique interloper into our Solar System has a natural explanation that fits perfectly — no aliens required.
Ground-based facilities enable the greatest scientific production in all of astronomy. The NSF needs to be ambitious, and it’s now or never.
The electoral reform also known as instant-runoff voting promises bridge-building and broad appeal instead of culture war and gridlock.
They’re in our brains, hearts, and blood — but what are they doing to us?
“Superhabitable” planets might be real, but Earth is probably as good as it gets.
The classic picture of Jupiter’s great rocky core might be entirely wrong.
Some biologists believe natural selection produces animals that are just good enough. Dawkins disagrees.
2023 is an exciting time for the study of quark-gluon plasmas.
Each year in mid-August, Earth plows through the debris stream of an enormous comet, creating the Perseids. 2023’s show will be magnificent!
“I watched closely for the sun or stars to appear, to correct my chronometer, on the accuracy of which our lives and the success of the journey would depend.”
Dr. Tyson explains where we might find aliens, why “dark matter” is a misleading term, and why you can blame physics for your favorite team’s loss.
Video cameras on city streets are only the most visible way your movements can be tracked.
Water is vital for life. Luckily for spacefaring humans, the solar system is full of it.
Whenever someone waxes poetic about terraforming alien worlds, it’s worth taking a moment to consider the ethical implications of the proposal.
Time is relative, not absolute, as gravity and motion both cause time to dilate. Your head and feet, therefore, don’t age at the same rate.
The world’s highest mountain is also the world’s highest cemetery, with some bodies serving as creepy landmarks for today’s climbers.
If you want to have foamy beer inside the comfort of your own home, you need to invest in a special nucleated glass.