Dante’s epic journey through hell and heaven reveal how the poet felt about his own country.
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1859’s Carrington event gave us a preview of how catastrophic the Sun could be for humanity. But it could get even worse than we imagined.
The largest moon in our Solar System, often overlooked, is a water-rich world. Does that mean life? Here on Earth, life took hold very early on in our planet’s history, and […]
Ancient humans crossed the Bering Strait land bridge from Asia into North America. But some of them went back.
There are two conceptions of free will: “straight” and “mixed.”
Organic molecules can be produced by living or non-living systems. But the recent findings are very intriguing.
Anyone up for a crisp, blonde ale?
A vertical map might better represent a world dominated by China and determined by shipping routes across the iceless Arctic.
Get ready for the most peculiar road trip that will help you understand the vastness and emptiness of the solar system — and Sweden.
Icebergs aren’t just a threat to unsinkable ships. Their ability to cause underwater landslides poses a danger to coastal cities.
“Politics is weird. It’s the only business in the world in which you take a really, really important position, and you give it to someone with no qualifications.” —Tony Blair
Over the past 50 years, 27 leap seconds have been added to our time.
All life forms, anywhere in our Universe, are chemically connected yet completely unique.
Even if you or I will never actually visit these distant worlds, we now know they exist. They should fill us with wonder.
Scuba divers often appear to be swimming through a calm and muffled universe. This couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Peaking on the night of August 11/12, up to 100 bright meteors per hour will be visible. Here’s how to make the most of it.
Overwintering is profoundly stressful for trees. So why do they bother?
Saturn’s Iapetus, discovered way back in 1671, has three bizarre features that science still can’t fully explain.
Like Dua Lipa, he had to create new rules.
Many suspicious deaths of both humans and pets have been solved with the help of insects.
A new study of Martian dust gives insights into the ancient Martian climate. The findings hint at a wetter world.
Yes, the Universe is expanding, but if you’ve ever wondered, “How fast is it expanding,” the answer isn’t in terms of a speed at all.
From astrobiology to geology, a Moon base could serve as a laboratory unlike anything on Earth.
Mars and Earth were sister planets in many ways, with early similar conditions. Why did Mars die? The leading explanation isn’t universal.
Crystallization is an entirely random process, so scientists have developed clever ways to investigate it at a molecular level.
The monsoon rains were not always so reliable.
Really simple interventions can greatly reduce indoor temperatures during the summer, particularly in places like the Pacific Northwest.