The Kalam cosmological argument asserts that everything that exists has a cause, and what caused the Universe? It’s got to be God.
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Russian movies continue to be used as a mouthpiece for the country’s political leadership.
The rock, found in the Sahara, likely comes from a long-lost baby protoplanet.
Researchers find a way to distort laser light to survive a trip through disordered obstacles.
Growing marijuana in large, climate controlled warehouses is good for production but has a massive carbon footprint.
George Washington, for example, was quite happy to engage in deception, if that deception would help protect the United States.
Here’s how learning leaders can best take advantage of the technology that employees carry with them everywhere.
An incredible composite image of Pandora’s Cluster, Abell 2744, simultaneously showcases both our impressive knowledge and vast ignorance.
“Don’t tread on me” is a slogan of the deep sea, too.
Scientists believe they have the answer, but philosophers prove them wrong.
The 1998 hit is making a comeback. Stop what you’re doing and watch the original.
Michio Kaku predicts, among other things, how we’ll build cities on Mars and why cancer will one day be like the common cold.
Our research on a Martian meteorite provides new clues about early surface conditions on the red planet.
A theoretical physicist returns to Penrose and Hameroff’s theory of “quantum consciousness.”
If we manage to avoid a large catastrophe, we are living at the early beginnings of human history.
Venus has far more carbon dioxide in its atmosphere than Earth, which turned our sister planet into an inferno. But how did it get there?
The Miller-Urey experiment showed that the building blocks of life could form in the primordial soup. But it overlooked one key variable.
Despite Betelgeuse’s recent faintening and brightening, I’d bet on these stars instead. Betelgeuse, a nearby red supergiant, will someday explode. The black hole at the center of the Milky Way should […]
If it weren’t for the intricate rules of quantum physics, we wouldn’t have formed neutral atoms “only” ~380,000 years after the Big Bang.
Deep brain stimulation could represent a breakthrough in the treatment of mental health disorders like major depressive disorder.
Regret isn’t just unpleasant, it’s unhealthy.
A clever new design introduces a way to image the vast ocean floor.
An artist’s impression of what the fully-deployed James Webb Space telescope will look like from the perspective of an observer on the ‘dark’ (non-Sun-facing) side of the observatory. (NORTHRUP GRUMMAN) […]
It might seem like science and faith are at war, but the two have a historical synergy that extends back in time for centuries.
Not nearly well enough. And we should all be concerned. In 1859, the science of solar physics truly began with the largest eruption in recorded history: the Carrington event. Prior […]
Already 14 billion miles from the Sun, Voyager 1 is speeding away at 38,000 mph.
The Universe certainly formed stars, at one point, for the very first time. But we haven’t found them yet. Here’s what everyone should know.
A study proposes that an ancient trading network, called the Hopewell tradition, may have been wiped out by what is known as a cosmic airburst.
Social conflicts can leave molecular marks on animals, according to recent research on the ant species Harpegnathos saltator.