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Roughly half the world population, including in America, has insufficient levels of vitamin D. UV irradiated mushrooms can help.
An almost 40-year-old theory finally has ‘smoking gun’ evidence for it. During most of their lives, stars burn stably, changing imperceptibly. The rotten egg nebula, at lower right (and shown in […]
More than 200 years ago, scientists tried to figure out how bats navigate in the dark (or without eyes). This set in motion a series of events that led to the development of ultrasound as a form of psychotherapy.
Tiny fluctuations in old Kepler data reveals four runaway planets that are reminiscent of Earth.
A future kitchen appliance could make it possible to 3D-print entirely new recipes and cook them with lasers.
As cells divide, they must copy all of their chromosomes once and only once, or chaos would ensue. How do they do it? Key controls happen well before replication even starts.
Big Think Business columnist Eric Markowitz prefaces his new series on long-term thinking with the experience that almost cut his life short.
Black holes aren’t just the densest masses in the Universe, but they also spin the fastest of all massive objects. Here’s why it must be so.
Argentina’s black market for cash is embracing crypto — but it’s not what crypto proponents expected.
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“Once quantum mechanics is applied to the entire cosmos, it uncovers a three-thousand-year-old idea.”
And why, even at its faintest, it always outshines every other star and planet. If you’ve been looking to the west after sunset recently, you may have noticed that there’s one […]
A team of scientists hopes deep-earth lithium could sustain America’s vast demand for batteries. But extracting it won’t be easy.
Our Sun will continue to grow, becoming a red giant and then a planetary nebula. Here’s how large it will get.
Researchers speculate the famous monument was one of the world’s first solar calendars, possibly inspired by trade with ancient Egyptians.
A Carrington-magnitude event would kill millions, and cause trillions of dollars in damage. Sadly, it isn’t even the worst-case scenario.
One home was printed in 28 hours. Now, Alquist 3D is building 200 more.
Soviet censorship was thorough yet fallible.
An elephant at the Bronx Zoo has become a cause célèbre for animal rights activists.
Psychologists are finding that moral code violations can leave an enduring mark — and may require new types of therapy.
A new artificial intelligence method removes the effect of gravity on cosmic images, showing the real shapes of distant galaxies.
Although it’s often described as the Amazon of China, Alibaba has a radically different business model that does not rely on inventory management.
Evolutionary game theory could tip the advantage to medicine.
Neuroscientists think a cluster of cells in the brain that stimulate appetite could be a target for eating disorder therapies.
In scientific theories, the Multiverse appears as a bug rather than as a feature. We should squash it.
Many suspicious deaths of both humans and pets have been solved with the help of insects.
Northwell Health is using insights from website traffic to forecast COVID-19 hospitalizations two weeks in the future.
Godfrey Hounsfield’s early life did not suggest that he would accomplish much at all.
HIV mutates rapidly, which has made the development of a vaccine an enormous challenge for decades. Finally, we might have one.