Historically, periods of mass flourishing are underpinned by technological revolutions. Currently, we are undergoing a technological revolution unlike anything the world has ever seen.
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You searched for: Robots
Your very own “Conspiracy Detection Kit.”
The psychology of alien contact largely revolves around the concept of “otherness.” We need to learn to be comfortable around strange things.
These DIY learning kits focus on topics like coding, robotics, and AI, and are on sale for as low as $41.99.
The future of healthcare may bring powerful collaborations between AI and medical professionals.
Coupled with 3D printing, biomining the Moon or Mars with microbes could sustain human colonies without constant re-supply from Earth.
The bird demonstrates cutting-edge technology for devising self-folding nanoscale robots.
Business leaders know they must prepare for technological upheavals in the years ahead. But keeping up-to-date on new technologies—to say nothing of understanding their complexities and forecasting those shifts—is an […]
Robot developers adapt the behavior of worm “blobs”.
The 72-meter wingspan is lined with solar panels to give the plane the power it needs to stay airborne for nearly three months.
A brief passage from a recent UN report describes what could be the first-known case of an autonomous weapon, powered by artificial intelligence, killing in the battlefield.
Meaningful pictures are assembled from meaningless noise.
In the philosophy of Star Wars, the Sith are evil because they surrender to passion. But is a life of total rationality a “good” life?
New stamp-sized ultrasound adhesives produce clear images of heart, lungs, and other internal organs.
For decades people have arranged to freeze their bodies after death, dreaming of resurrection by advanced future medicine. Many met a fate far grislier than death.
Are we really only a moment away from “The Singularity,” a technological epoch that will usher in a new era in human evolution?
Immersive learning creates an interactive environment in which learners have the power to customize their experience.
Is there actually anything deserving of the term AI?
You can love a romantic partner, but also a pet, a book, God, or the sound of someone’s voice. We need many more words for love.
Purely physical and chemical processes can deceive us into thinking that life is present, when it actually is not.
Whether NASA likes it or not, humans eventually will be having space sex.
More than 300 years ago, a Spanish ship laden with unspeakable treasure sank after a battle. Because of greed, the treasure remains on the sea floor.
All the latest titles from the experts at MIT.
Ingenuity is remarkable. But these 5 exploration ideas are revolutionary. Telescopes are our initial tools for revealing and studying foreign worlds. Hubble images of Mars, particularly around the regions with […]
What can elite athletes teach you about how to win?
What makes a face trustworthy, anyway?
The benefits of employee training are felt far and wide, from improvements in workers’ wellbeing to better customer interactions.
The world needs a moral defense of progress based in humanism and agency.