Preliminary results from a study done at a UK primary school with two humanoid robots show that these children respond better to the robots than to adults or to other children.
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Last month’s report from the National Research Council suggests that some objectives set by the Obama administration should be reevaluated in light of “national consensus” about space research and exploration.
Brain-computer interfacing has allowed quadriplegics to move robotic arms and hands with impressive dexterity. Researchers hope the technology will allow them increased autonomy in life.
As machines become more productive, the people who own them may be keeping a larger share of the profits.
NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover. Big Data Predicts the Oscars. These are among the brainiest memes included in today’s Mind Memes.
Planetary Resources isn’t the first company formed around the mission of extracting valuable metals from the asteroid belt, but it may be the first one with some real investor belief and funding behind it.
Georgia Tech spinoff company TechJect has created an unmanned aerial vehicle that, in size, appearance and actions, resembles a dragonfly. Applications for its use range from gaming to military intelligence.
Honda’s Miimo, recently released in the UK, is only the latest version to appear on the market, but despite the appeal of an outdoor equivalent of the Roomba, sales have been slow.
As neuroscience, cognitive science, computer programming, and artificial intelligence progress, we’re understanding better and better how we learn.
The project, sponsored by 28 nations, has collected more valuable oceanographic data in the last 13 years than any other projects in the history of the science.
Are smokers, non-exercisers, non-savers and other such undisciplined people acting irrationally? The conventional wisdom of our decade says yes, of course, they are. That’s why we need policies that will […]
Ekso Bionics is developing exoskeleton-like devices combined with robotics that will help people with walking difficulties get moving again.
New “deep-learning” software helps computers recognize patterns in large data sets the same way the human brain recognizes patterns in the world. The result has been much better A.I.
A Spanish company has successfully completed a test of a balloon that could take passengers 20 miles above Earth, just a few miles short of Felix Baumgartner’s October launch spot.
Our prehistoric ancestors are the ones who did the heavy mental lifting for which we owe our expanded frontal cortexes. So who has the right brain for today?
The underlying rules of 3D printing that help innovators get past key cost, time and complexity barriers.
A company has completed a prototype of a robot designed specifically to look for lunar ice, a potentially rich source of water and other materials for use during other lunar expeditions.
Robot home care may be coming eventually, but right now, scientists are working on a more affordable way to use technology to help keep elders independent.
Like most industries, the manufacturing sector is transforming rapidly. Because of recent technological advances and globalization, U.S. manufacturing is facing intense international competition, increasing market volatility and complexity, a declining […]
If the pace of technological advance holds steady according to its historical rates, we will be able to upload a significant part of our identity into computers well-before century’s end.
New interactive robot wants to be your Facebook friend.
Last night, the group of researchers responsible for the creation of the SPAUN project – that just published the first large scale model of a functioning brain to produce complex behaviours began […]
It might not be pleasant to hear but there’s little reason to disagree with Sir David Attenborough’s pronouncement that “we are a plague on the Earth”. Of course, in terms […]
Borrowing from nature, an engineering company has created a robot that mimics the nimble maneuvers and speed of real tuna.
California-based Blue River Technology has raised over $3 million to commercialize its robot weedkiller, which works using a combination of machine learning and computer vision.
Self-awareness has been billed as the ultimate quality that separates humans from machines, but robots are edging closer to us, learning about themselves through observation.
Vibrissal sensors, which mimic rodent whiskers, can make tasks safer and easier in a wide range of products, from firefighter helmets to vacuum cleaners.
Building on groundbreaking work done at MIT in 2005, researchers have created muscle which can be activated with light, setting the scene for a new generation of robotics.
NewSpace SmallCaps often face challenges: tight budgets, game-changing competition, lengthy development schedules and cash flow crunches. To reduce some of this pain, NewSpace companies have found significant advantages in tapping […]
Several research projects are currently working to make robots more responsive to children’s needs, and new research suggests that the physical presence of robots helps kids learn.